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2021, what a year it’s been for Reason.

The return of offline events, some new faces in our ranks, and new games we took on. It’s been a wild 12 months, Here’s how we’ve managed to get on in 365 days of competition.

Street Fighter V

Starting with Street Fighter, Our longest supported scene with some of Europe’s best players and character masters in our ranks. We’ve been involved in Street Fighter since the Elite Series days back in 2017 and we continue to improve and impress through 2021. While it may have been a slow year for competition for us we did ourselves proud!

We kicked the year off in style with Boltstrike, after competing throughout  the end of 2020, Boltstrike worked his way into the top 8 of the Saltmine League’s 9th and 10th seasons. In April, it was announced that the prestigious Red Bull Kumite event would be coming to our home country and Boltstrike’s hometown of London. After coming 2nd in the Last Chance Qualifier, Boltstrike was presented with the opportunity to take on the world’s best in an Offline setting!

Boltstrike enters the Red Bull Kumite arena (photo by Joe Brady @JoeBradyPhoto)

Between May and November, there was a lull in events that we attended as training and practicing took priority. After all, Celtic Throwdown was coming up and although the Clawlord could not attend, Reason still had presence in the F.A.N.G sage: MQS.

MQS Winning Celtic Throwdown 2021 (Image By @DeanoBenArye)

3 swift games against his opponent and gold was in his hands. A great end to the year! As offline events return to full swing in 2022 you can be assured we’ll be at as many as we can.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Up until November we had one Smash Ultimate player – Streakz. Ultimate is best played offline so competition only took off properly in August, but take off it did.

Starting with a 3rd place finish at LAB Rebirth, Streakz went on a hot streak with a Top 8 finish at Invasion, 4th at the DAT Saturday Showdown finals and 4th at the DAT BlastZone event with a few top 4 finishes at London’s locals mixed in between.

November rolled around and we welcomed RAMBOSS into our ranks, One of London’s top players and the UK’s best Samus player.  He finished first at the aforementioned LAB Rebirth and while our placement at VCA in Vienna wasn’t the greatest, It was good practice for other offline events both national and international that we’ll be attending next year.

Both RAMBOSS and Streakz were ranked #1’and #2 in London recently, #7 and #8 in the UK. 2022 is looking good for a proper return to offline so you can expect to see both players fighting for gold soon!

Shootmania Storm

Ahh Shootmania. A game from our past, back in 2021

In the middle of 2021 we were hearing talk of a new league to bring Shootmania back into one of the top esports of the modern day. We’ve supported the game massively before and had one of the most successful teams in the game. We even won the World Cup back in 2016!

After careful deliberation we picked up a team who were solid in the qualifiers but had not managed to make the League yet. One week later and the final qualifier was won, Reason Gaming was in the Shootmania Storm Elite Pro Series. We ended the regular season in 4th place and took home 4th place in the resulting playoffs. A very good showing from a young team and we hope that this game will return to it’s former glory in 2022 (or a sequel, Nadeo pls)

Wild Rift

The new kid on the block. League of Legends’ Mobile spinoff: Wild Rift.

Back in May we were approached by a team looking to represent us in the Inaugural ESL Premiership for LoL: Wild Rift. As we’d been looking into this game for a while of course we accepted! The team formally known as “Press R GG” were now part of the Reason Family.

After some great battles on the Rift, taking down rivals Vexed Gaming and losing only a single matchup to Team Singularity, We qualified for the playoffs and took it all the way to the Finals. Unfortunately that’s where we fell. But against Europe’s top team we put up an amazing fight in each game and really showed our strength as a team.

While the team disbanded after the Origin Series, We’re constantly looking into more mobile opportunities and you may see us back in the Rift yet again.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Strap yourselves in for this one. We’ve saved the biggest for last.

Frenzy joined Reason in December 2020 and after his first event with us during the 5 Days of Melee, things went quiet until the S.A.M.E Circuit was announced. A series of online tournaments by premier TO’s with a chance to attend Smash Summit for the winners.

Then over the next 12 months, the big red Falco racked up 9 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 8 bronze medals. Frenzy is a monster at this game and is in the conversation to be named one of the best players in Europe.

Valhalla Online: 3rd
The Upset: 3rd
Phoenix Blue: 7th
Regen Online: 1st
Smash Sauna: 5th
Fete Online: 1st
Super Bou: 2nd
Teaghlach: 2nd
Bagarre: 1st

Just in the online circuit alone, only 2 finishes outside of top 3 all year. But offline events happened too and the form continued:

Kamp Kone: 1st (without losing a single game!)
Nang Home Sweet Home: 2nd
MYTH: 1st
SWT Regional Finals: 5th
HFLAN Singles: 5th
HFLAN Doubles: 1st
Short Hop Pear 11: 1st
Smash Summit 12 VIP Bracket: 7th
JRGB Fight Night 25: 2nd
Smash World tour 2021: 9th

All said and done it’s been an incredible year for Elliot and 2022 is looking even better with more Regional and International events coming up and when the next MPGR is released, Frenzy will be a name close to the top!

Frenzy celebrating his Doubles victory with Professor Pro at HFLAN 2020+1


Last on our list of thanks is all the streamers we’ve supported over the past year. You bring our name to your audiences on a daily basis and create some incredible content for your audience.

Fabz joined us in February and has been a constant source of joy and entertainment for his audience. from grinding fighting games to dominating in Mario Kart, Fabz bring energy and hype wherever he goes. He travelled to Vienna to compete with our Smash Ultimate players and has even been seen on the odd commentary desk for DAT Monday Meltdown.

Anubii joined us in May, We approached her as we found her while broswing through twitch and her bubbly personality mixed with an amount of skill in the games she played made her a perfect fit for the Reason Family. She’s since been streaming almost daily and has amassed a loyal following of people.

Tiimo joined us last year and has been consistently streaming his game of choice: CS:GO twice weekly. Trade ups, unboxings, community games and more. Tiimo is a lovely guy and his chat community is second to none. he’ll provide skin trading advice and put a smile on your face at the same time!

Lastly we want to thank everyone who has supported us this year across every game we’ve dipped our toes into.  We  wouldn’t be where we are and our name wouldn’t hold the weight it does without everyone who supports us day to day.

If you’re just coming across this post and want to track our journey in the world of esports then drop us a follow on our twitter @ReasonGaming and make sure to follow our players mentioned above too! If you want to support us even more, our merch is available HERE!

Thank you for a wonderful 2021. See you next year!
