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We are pleased to announce that we are returning to the UK CSGO scene after a rather long break. With the recent success of the ESL Premiership, Gfinity and ESL EPS starting up soon, it is a great time to bring things home and start putting our efforts behind a UK team.

Reason.UK is:

Kiefer “truff” Paterson
Scott “kARMApangya” Campbell
Kristians “CINDER” Bogdanovs
Shane “shaney” Smith
Kia “surreal” Mann

truff playing CSGO at i53

Truff at i53 – Image by BaconCape

This team will be focusing on the competitive UK scene and competing in the next season of the ESL Premiership which kicks off tomorrow, as well as the two largest UK offline events, EpicLAN and iSeries, leaving the rest of the European scene in the hands of our Danish players.

Team captain Kiefer “truff” Paterson had this to say about joining Reason.

We are extremely proud and grateful to be a part of Reason Gaming. Our team is very prepared to put in the effort to go the extra mile in order to perform at the level that we know we can. We hope that we will be a part of Reason Gaming for a long time and progress alongside them in our goal to become the best team in the UK.

We look forward to seeing these guys in action tomorrow as the qualifiers of the UK Premiership kick-off, and at iSeries next month.