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With iSeries starting this weekend, Kaldi, our Icelandic SC player, took some time out of his schedule to let me ask him a few questions about i50. 

So, first of all, thanks for taking the time to let me ask you some things. With this being your 3rd iSeries, what are you looking forward to most about i50 and coming over to England for the weekend?

I-series is always a blast I’m looking forward to the food and the atmosphere in the hall but the thing I am mostly looking forward to is meeting the my friends in Reason and the friends I’ve made in the last 2 i-series.

What are your personal expectations for i50, and how do you think it will compare to i48 and 49?

The 2 i-series that I have been to have been very diffrent. i-48 the starcraft tournament was huge, many koreans came and the quality and the prize pool was very high. I-49 was more relaxed and felt more local. The tournament was strong as always but only had a few foreign pro´s attend. I am expecting i-50 to be a mix of the two, bigger then I-49 becouse of the number 50 celebration but not as big of a tournament as i48 in terms of foreigners.

My expectations for the tournament are to place in the top 8 which I think is realistic, my practice recently has been going good, made it into Gm again so everything ingame is on a good track. I was however diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days before leaving for England and am quite ill and with a fever but I am going to do everything I can to not let it effect my play.

How has the SC2Improve team league helped you prepare for i50 in terms of competition?

Well to be fair a team leauge is very diffrent from an individual tournament, there is no snipeing or swapping or teamwork in the tournament  I am going into. The SC2Improve team league games have helped me the same amount as the same number of ladder practice games would help me.

How do you think the team will perform in the upcoming games in the SC2Improve league?

Before Christmas we will play Karnage and two teams that are lesser known. I am expecting the Karnage match to be a tough one but I think we have a stronger lineup and better teamwork so iIm going to go with 65/35 chance that we win vs Karnage. The other teams we should roll through no problem if we play like we have been playing up to this point.