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EUW Challenger Series 17 – Reason Gaming vs TheRED

Game 1
Bans – Reason Gaming ban out Kassadin, Gragas and Rengar. TheRED ban out Shyvana, Evelynn and Annie


Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)


FIRees (Top)


Trashy (Jungler)


DimaJKE (Jungler)


Sencux (Mid)


They will pay (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


NikSar (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Darker123 (Supp)



The Action.  It all kicks off early with a series of ganks by Trashy and DimaJKE but the latter’s gank trades his death and subsequent double-buffs onto Krislund’s Caitlyn in exchange for BarneyD’s Thresh.  Over at the top lane moments later beansu over-extends in the lane after taking Zac low down, and falls to a 2v1 with Kha’Zix coming up. The first Dragon goes down at the 10minute mark for Reason Gaming as they start to pull ahead with a 3K gold lead after they take the Dragon.

Krislund is out-farming his counterpart with a CS-lead of 50, showing the difference between the two teams as Reason Gaming’s players are out-farming TheRED’s players in every lane. The bottom-lane tower on TheRED’s side is the first to go down, letting Krislund and BarneyD roam and push the middle turret down largely unopposed. Top tower falls soon after, as Trashy ganks top, kills Zac alongside beansu and they push the turret down, putting Reason Gaming three turrets up after just 15min. Moments later, Sencux pushes the last outer-bottom turret  AND the inhibitor turret down, with his 4-1-0 score putting anyone off from stopping him.

TheRED don’t quite know what to do as Krislund and BarneyD push the last-outer middle lane turret down at the same time Sencux was pushing through the bottom lane, giving Reason Gaming a 7-0 turret lead at the 20min mark. The gold lead is 10K and Reason Gaming are easily dominating TheRED, pulling them this way and that whilst coming out on top of any skirmishes, but trading kills nonetheless to see the kill-score at 13-9 at the 21min mark.

The gold-lead has led to Reason Gaming having 3 or 4 items finished to TheRED’s 2 or 3 apiece. Both bottom and middle inhibitors fall almost simultaneously at the 23min mark as a huge teamfight breaks out that Reason Gaming win 2 for 5, and they push through but aren’t quite able to finish the game. It doesn’t take long though, Reason Gaming brute-force through the top-lane and take the win at 26min mark with a kill-score of 23-16, a gold lead of 15K and without losing a single turret.

MVP of the Game; Sencux’s Riven as he went a huge 9-4-2 to end-up being simply unbeatable, the fact he almost had a Pentakill (stolen by Trashy who smited the last Zac blob!) proves as such.

Game 2 

Bans TheRED ban out Riven, Elise and Rengar. Reason Gaming ban out Kassadin, Gragas and Shyvana.


Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)


FIRees (Top)

Dr Mundo

Trashy (Jungler)


DimaJKE (Jungler)

Jarvan IV

Sencux (Mid)


They will pay (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


NikSar (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Darker123 (Supp)



The Action. 

A potential early invade from TheRED is spotted out by BarneyD and Krislund, so they decide against it and return to standard lane matchups. Trashy ventures into TheRed’s jungle, catching out DimaJKE and with the help of Sencux manages to take 4 minute first blood. The game quietens down for a moment while Reason Gaming pull out a 1000 gold advantage at the 7 minute mark. Trashy continues to assert his dominance in the jungle by catching DimaJKE at his red buff, taking him down with his level advantage and picking up the second kill of the game. shortly after a third kill is picked up by Krislund after a great death sentence from BarneyD, they get close to the turret with with Darker123 having no stun charged, Jinx’s get excited passive allows Krislund to dash away from harms reach.

Reason Gaming once again take the first dragon of the game at the ten minute mark, before Krislund, Trasy and BarneyD collapse on the bottom lane, Picking up another two kills onto Darker123 and DimaJKE. BarneyD is not content with these two kills, so with an impressive flash into death sentence combo secures a kill onto NikSar for Krislund, making the score 6:0 in Reason Gaming’s favour. Shortly after Reason Gaming pick up the bottom tower, making the gold lead 5k in their favour. 
Over in the midlane Trashy and Sencux dive between two turrets to kill They will pay, then rotate to the botlane to take out Darker123, and taking out bot lane outer turret. 

Krislund gets caught recalling giving up their first kill of the game, while in the top lane FIRees manages to take Reason Gamings top lane turret. DimaJKE attempts to travel top lane to aid FIRees, but Trashy finds him and shortly dispatches him, while Sencux takes the middle turret. They will pay decides to roam top to try and take down beansu, but the seemingly omnipresent Trashy takes him out. NikSar manages to shut down Krislund behind the Dragon pit, but takes a Super Mega Death Rocket to the face making it a 1 for 1 trade. 
Attempting to collapse on the midlane, Reason Gaming decide to retreat, sending Krislund to push out the bottom lane. The Red try an engage, locking up BarneyD in cataclysm, and he falls to focused fire from most of the enemy team, now 3v5 Reason choose to back away, but as FIRees teleports bottom to try and deal with Krislund, Reason Gaming turn it around, picking up 3 kills, and once Krislund and BarneyD join the fight pick up a 4th kill, leaving Mundo to not go where he pleases.

Now up 18 – 4 in kills, and almost 10k gold ahead, Krislund, BarneyD and Trashy pick up 2 kills, the bottom lane turret and an inhibitor. Trashy takes the dragon solo, but TheRED catch Sencux and beansu in the top lane, picking off Sencux outside the baron pit. Back up arrives as Reason Gaming pick up another 3 kills, and TheRED choose to surrender, seeing no way of coming back

MVP of the Game; Krislund’s Jinx, absolutely dominating the botlane, while Trashy’s 10/0/7 Lee Sin was very impressive, Krislunds 12/2/4 performance on Jinx was dominating the botlane, especially when you consider the CS lead of nearly 100 by the time TheRED chose to surrender.