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During the second day of the Play in Stage for the League of Legends Challenger Series, Reason Gaming has been disqualified due to a failure on behalf of one of the players, Jonas “Trashy” Andersen’s internet provider. The problem appears to have come from a lack of security on the provider’s behalf, leaving them open to a Distributed Denial of Service attack.

The details of the problems are as follows:

At 19:55pm CET the Trashy’s ISP reported problems with their services, which resulted in Trashy being disconnected from PVPnet and all internet connections apart from TeamSpeak. At 20:00pm CET the game was supposed to begin, however the Reason management was constantly in contact with Riot and the Team to investigate why Trashy was unable to get back onto the client to start the game. At 20:10pm CET the team lost their first ban, while the issues still persisted. Then by 20:20pm CET the team were officially disqualified from the Coke Zero League Play in Stage. At 20:55pm CET Trashy’s internet was back to full speed and he was able to connect to the client and resume browsing the internet.

The nature of the tournament means that after a grace period, Riot Games had no choice but to disqualify Reason Gaming, meaning the team will have to wait until the next set of qualifiers if they wish to pursue the “Coke Zero League” further.

Coke Ender

Simon Best, the League of Legends Director for Reason Gaming provides some insight into the situation:

The issues we came across today, which are listed above, were completely out of the control of the 5 players on the team, management and Riot as we took all the measures we were able to in order to prevent personal internet connections from being sabotaged.

It is a problem that was the fault of the internet provider and we will be taking steps with the player to put him onto a more stable and well protected provider. Don’t worry though, Reason Gaming will continue to be a dominant force until the next series of the Coke Zero League!

While Reason Gaming’s General Manager Ian Sargeant had the following to say:

“The timing of the provider going down is extremely suspicious but that is eSports, you don’t know what’s going to happen and the lengths what people do to win or gain entry into these top tier tournaments. The players are very down after not having the chance to at least prove they have what it takes but I can be sure this isn’t the last you will be seeing of them. One door closes, many many more open.”