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Terapoly sent us a copy of their latest game, Tavern Tycoon, via Keymailer and I have honestly not stopped playing it since. The gameplay is very similar to a game which dominated my childhood, Theme Hospital, and while enjoying the unique features of this game, had me excited with the thought that one day, a remasted version of Theme Hospital could be released.

Tavern Tycoon is a simulator game where you travel back to the medieval times to run a  tavern for passing knights, wizards and the general public. You start each map with an empty building and a set of challenges to complete.  Your primary job is to fill the building with rooms and entertainment for your guests, as well as hire and manage various staff who fulfil certain roles.

While on the surface this game may seem to be limited on the amount of enjoyment you can get out of it, due the simplicity of the play style, the challenges set at the start of each level progressively get harder and you find yourself missing hours out of your life that have been absorbed by this game. By the time you reach the fourth level, you would have failed at least a couple of times causing you to reevaluate your tavern management skills, and attempt new tactics to try and progress in the game.

This tycoon game is still in the very early stages of alpha development with new features being added frequently. This means that as it stands the game can feel quite empty for example at the moment of writing this review there are only four levels available. In the month I’ve owned this game though there have been frequent updates, including the additions of new rooms for you to build in your tavern, which gives me great hope for the future of this game!

I am excited to see the direction this game takes over the coming months, and how it evolves with each patch. I highly recommend getting in on the ground floor with this game, if it’s the style of game that interests you, and join in the journey of watching it grow.