Skip to main content published today an interview with our COD4 Team player Kyle ‘Smiffy’ Smith, where they talk about various topics, such as the upcoming LAN events, the COD4 community and the team amongst others.

A part of the interview can be found below:

Hello Kyle and thank you for taking sometime out to do this interview. Some of the community may not have heard of you, please could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hello there my name’s Kyle Smith and I play the Assault role within the team.

Could you also tell people a bit about your Call of Duty 4 team?

Well the core of the line-up has been together since August 2011. Craig and Aaron initially had the idea to form Saevis after they went to i43 and saw the scene was on the up. After I saw the thread on TEK9 I decided to stick my name in the pot and got a trial on the first night. I think the thing that makes our team work so well is that we are all really similar and have the same interests. LAN just proved that fact and was a write off, unfortunately Tom, Joss or Dan couldn’t make i44 and we had Harry(metal) and Rhys (jamR) play with us and we still had a really good time.

To read the rest of the interview you can head over to Team Element´s site.