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Yesterday our recently acquired SMITE team took part in the SPL relegation tournament to qualify for the next season of SPL. They were pitted against Torpedo Gaming, a team who has had an impressive season and earned their chance to qualify for the SPL.

Despite putting in a lot of pre-game work, Torpedo had as on the backfoot for most of the day, throughout all three games. There were glimmers of hope as we executed flawless plays, but they mostly prolonged the inevitable. We lost the series 3-0 and the dream of qualifying for the next season of the SPL was gone.

An issue with the demos of the games, meant that HiRez were unable to broadcast our games, but when asked to present the games in puppet show form, we were quick to respond:

We may have lost the series, but the love and support we got from the SMITE scene made the defeat taste a little sweeter.

After the game many people were asking “where do we go from here?”. We picked up this SMITE team knowing full well they were in the relegation tournament and there was a chance they wouldn’t be in SPL next season, and this is a decision we stick behind. It has already been announced, via his personal Twitter, that Dirgius has left the team to build his own roster. We wish him the best of luck with this, and thank him for his kind, parting words:

The rest of the team are taking some time to decide the direction they want to take, and we will support their decision whichever route they take. We will do everything in our power to make sure this is not the start of another 2 year break from SMITE.  The game is part of our history and it is something we have spent far too long away from. We will continue our battle to get an RG Anubis or Sobek in the game, through any means necessary.

You can expect another SMITE update in the next couple of days as the team works out their next move.