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Being a UK based organisation, we always keep a close eye on the UK Scene and want to do anything we can to help it along.The next installment of the ESL UK EPS is about to get underway, with qualifications taking place last weekend. Four teams qualified for the group stages of the EPS, joining the already pre-qualified teams from last season to fight it out in this weekly tournament.

The main reason for picking up a UK team in the past was to take part in the ESL UK EPS, so when we were approached by one of the qualifying teams the offer was too good to turn down. The UK EPS is the highlight of the UK online scene, and with LAN finals being held at MCM London in the past, it has always been an amazing spectacle from start to finish. On that note we would like to welcome the fish123 lineup to Reason Gaming.

Jamie “keita” Hall
Jake “Batham” Batham
Craig “REAZN” Brackenridge
Conor “conoR” McCool
Jake “Mini” Harris

Batham and keita playing together at epicFIFTEEN

Batham and keita playing together at epicFIFTEEN team up again for UK ESL EPS (Photo by

These players have a wealth of experience in CSGO and the UK scene and we look forward to seeing great things from them. Their main aim it to focus on the ESL UK EPS, but will also be taking part in other online cups and leagues as they crop up. We can’t wait for this EPS season to kick off, and will be bringing you weekly updates as the team progress through the group stages.