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SCAN EUW Winter Invitational Match 2 – Cloud 9 EU vs Reason Gaming

Game 1

Bans – Cloud 9 EU ban out Annie, Renekton and Ziggs. Reason Gaming ban out Rengar, Riven and Kassadin.


Cloud 9 EU


[R]eason Gaming


C9 Odoamne (Top)


RG beansu (Top)


C9 k0u (Jungler)


RG Trashy (Jungler)


C9 Febiven (Mid)


RG Sencux (Mid)


C9 Hjaman (ADC)


RG Krislund (ADC)


C9 Voidle (Supp)


RG BarneyD (Supp)


The Action. A quiet start to the game was broken by a bit of back and forth between Reason Gaming onto Cloud 9 EU in the bot-lane, as both teams start fairly passively, with both the Jungler’s concentrate on farming.  It all kicks off with a 2 for 1 in Reason Gaming’s favour as Jinx gets a kill onto Sivir, but Shyvana takes two kills for Reason Gaming and uses it to grab another kill on Jinx later on as Cloud 9 EU execute an 11min, 3 man-dive top to take Dr Mundo & the turret. Reason Gaming steam-roll the bottom lane but Cloud 9 EU have control over the other two lanes.

The score at the 17minute mark stood at 5-7 kills, the gold-score 26K to 27K both in Reason Gaming’s favour and a 2 to 2 turret-tie in as Reason secured the first Dragon and then mid-turret in quick succession. 10minutes passed and saw the scores tied at all 3 out turrets taken by both teams and an 7-8 kill score in Reason Gaming’s favour with 3 kills l on Reason Trashy’s & Krislund’s Shyvana & Jinx respectively.  Cloud 9 EU’s kills shared mainly between Febiven, Hjarman and Voidle’s Gragas, Jinx and Thresh.

As the 30min mark approached Cloud 9 EU were in the driving seat, having pushed down 4 towers before taking Baron Nashor and picking up the kill on Dr Mundo, to tie the kill score at 8-8. They then pushed all the way through onto the Inhibitor by stacking their ample crowd-control and picking off individuals from Reason Gaming. 32minutes into the game Cloud 9 EU had a 7-3 turret lead and were 5-man pack roaming efficiently across the map before picking up the 2nd Baron Nashor of the game. Cloud 9 EU then looked to end the game by pushing through mid, by ace-ing Reason Gaming with Trundle and Gragas taking center-stage as they swept through their opponents and onto the Nexus turret to take Game 1.

MVP of the Game; C9 Odoamne’s surprise Trundle pick finished without giving up a single kill and was a huge pain for Reason Gaming throughout the match.

Lee-Sin Breaker

Game 2 Bans – Cloud 9 EU ban out Annie, Renekton and Elise . Reason Gaming ban out Rengar, Riven and Kassadin.    


Cloud 9 EU


[R]eason Gaming


C9 Odoamne (Top)

Dr Mundo

RG beansu (Top)


C9 k0u (Jungler)


RG Trashy (Jungler)


C9 Febiven (Mid)


RG Sencux (Mid)


C9 Hjaman (ADC)


RG Krislund (ADC)


C9 Voidle (Supp)


RG (Supp)


The Action. A similarly quiet start to the game, with both Junglers soon making an impact as Trashy’s Vi helps Sencux secure first blood before Lee-Sin comes in and takes down a low-health Vi. A 4-man dive down bottom by Cloud 9 EU and mid-lane gank put Cloud 9 EU 1-4 kills up at the 8min mark with Lee-Sin holding ¾ of Cloud 9 EU’s kills. Soon after Cloud 9 EU extend their lead with 4 more kills spread across the map & the first Dragon as Lee-Sin starts to snow-ball with a score of 5-1-1 after 11minutes.

The first turret falls at 14minutes in the suffering bot-lane of Reason Gaming as both Krislund & BarneyD die to a gank by Kayle. 4 towers to 1 in Cloud9 EU’s favour after 20min means a 11K gold lead as well, alongside the 5-15 kill score lead, and the first Baron Nashor of the game & third Dragon means that Cloud 9 EU are firmly in the driving seat and Reason Gaming’s all-AD composition being nullified by Cloud 9 EU already being able to afford armour items.

This is typified by a triple-kill for Kayle at the 25min mark at the 2nd Tier top-lane as Cloud 9 EU then push through both top & mid inhibitors alongside both Nexus turrets to force Reason Gaming into a surrender defeat with final scores of 6-22 kill score and a 19K gold lead, 1-8 turrets all in Cloud 9 EU’s favour.

MVP Of the Game; C9 k0u on Lee-Sin shows why you can’t let him anywhere near his favourite champion, dominating the early and mid-game to snowball his entire team into a quick victory.