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SCAN EUW Winter Invitational Match 1 – MeetYourMaker vs EYES ON U


Bans – MeetYourMakers ban out Kassadin, Ziggs and Yasuo. EYES ON U ban out Olaf, Thresh and Gragas.                                                


MeetYourMaker Picks




MYM Czaru (Mid)


EYES Qunsk (Supp)


MYM Libik (Supp)


EYES Koi (Top)

Dr Mundo

MYM Makler (ADC)


EYES Sir Scott (ADC)


MYM Kubon (Top)


EYES Fear (Jungler)

Jarvan IV

       MYM Mokatte (Jungler)


EYES PowerOfEvil (Mid)


The Action. 

EYES ON U started the game with a 5-man team push into MYM’s jungle and it ended up with Czaru’s Shyvana catching & getting the kill on EYES Qunsk’s Annie, which led to a full 10-man fight at level 1, in which MYM’s Makler’s Jinx got a kill onto Koi’s Jarvan and EYES PowerOfEvil getting a kill onto EYES Libiks’s Zyra leaving MYM going into the early game with a 2 kills to 1 advantage. The first 10minutes of the game were kill heavy as the two Jungler’s made their presence felt, at just past the 10-min mark the kill-score stood at 6-4 in MYM’s favour. The gold for each team stood about the 17K for MYM and 15K for EYES ON U.

Towers begin to fall over the next 4/5 minutes with MYM on the Blue Side taking down the first two bottom towers compared to EYES ON U only taking the middle lane. By the 25minute mark had arrived, MYM had built up a 5K gold lead, the killscore stood at 15-13 in MYM’s favour. EYES Fear’s Jarvan had picked up a mammoth 7-7-6 score for his team, dominating the kills for his team whilst MYM Czaru had a quickly-snowballing 8-4-6 Kha’Zix under his control. Baron Nashor soon followed for MYM and they looked like they couldn’t lose the game.

The first inhibitor fell around the 30-min mark, with MYM pushing forward after getting a kill onto EYES Fear’s Jarvan, taking the inhibitor tower and the inhibitor itself before dropping away to take various objectives across the. MYM started the next Baron, but EYE Fear came in and pulled out a great steal. Unfortunately it was in vain as MYM Czaru ‘s super-fed Kha’Zix just opened up onto EYES ON U and took a triple kill which led to MYM pushing through the Nexus turrets, and whilst EYES ON U defended bravely, taking MYM quite low in health for their efforts – the Nexus went ‘pop’ and MYM took Game 1.

MVP of the Game; MYM Czaru on Kha’Zix, ending with an incredible score & showing how hard Kha’Zix can snowball. 

Annie Breaker

Bans – MeetYourMakers ban out Kassadin, Shyvana and Ziggs  . EYES ON U ban out Olaf, Thresh and Gragas.                                                


MeetYourMaker Picks




MYM Czaru (Mid)


EYES Qunsk (Supp)


MYM Libik (Supp)


EYES Koi (Top)


MYM Makler (ADC)


EYES Sir Scott (ADC)


MYM Kubon (Top)


EYES Fear (Jungler)


MYM Mokatte (Jungler)


EYES PowerOfEvil (Mid)


The Action. After a defensive start to the game, with bot teams concentrating on securing their own buffs, first blood quickly came about at the 3min mark as the MYM bot-lane punished some poor positioning by Qunsk to take him down near to the tower for First-Blood. After a trade-in kills just after, in the top-lane, MYM’s Elise & Orianna snuck in a 7-minute Dragon. The following 10 minutes where a bit back & forth, with the kills going in EYES ON U’s favour, but the gold and turrets going in MYM’s favour. Nasus, Annie and Kha’Zix all had 2 kills for EYES ON U whilst MYM’s kill-leaders were Elise & Jinx with 2-a-piece. 

Two consecutive poor bot-lane fights for MYM led to EYES ON U building up a 4-kill lead, pushing the killscore to 12-8. However MYM again secured the Dragon and begun to pull themselves back into the match, picking up  kills to bring them closer to EYES ON U and extend their now gold-lead to 5K gold. MYM then began pushing down the 2nd Tier bottom turret in a 5v5 stand-off, but MYM got a bit too greedy, pushed too far and lost two kills to EYES ON U whilst they disengaged. Leading to EYES ON U taking MYM’s bottom & mid-lane turrets to ease the map-pressure on themselves

After both teams danced around Baron, MYM took a 5v5 team-fight by the scruff of the neck and used this to start to pull ahead of EYES ON U In the game, securing Baron Nashor and several more outer-turrets, this boosted their gold-lead to 7K gold. The ball was securely in MYM’s court and they pushed all the way through the top inhibitor and bottom inhibitor’s around the 32min mark, but again over-extended to let EYES ON U take a few more kills. The score standing at 22-23 in kills, with MYM having a 9K gold and 2-9 turret lead. A great Orianna into Yasuo-combo-ult allowed MYM to take control in a middle lane fight and push through to the Nexus turret to take Game 2 and the Match.

MVP of the Game; MYM Czaru on Orianna ended up dominating with a 7-2-15 score, combing well with Annie in the early and mid game whilst being devastating in combination with Yasuo’s ultimate.