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Our League of Legends team took part in the EUW ChallengserSeries 20 and faced off against Cloud 9 Eclipse.

Game 1:



Reason Gaming


Cloud 9 Eclipse


beansu (Top)


Odoamne (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)     


k0u (Jungle)      


Sencux (Mid)


Febiven (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Hjarnan (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Voidle (Supp)


The action:

As the action gets going, the duo lanes head top and all is quiet for the first few minutes.  First blood is drawn when Reason is caught out of position and Febiven picks up the kill at 6:12.  C9 groups and seizes the first dragon of the game at 10:35, afterwards, normal lanes resume.  Both junglers go top and a 2v2 skirmish breaks out with C9 coming out ahead 1-0, taking down Trashy.  A successful gank mid from k0u brings down Sencux; Trashy shows up late and manages to kill k0u, but dies in the process.  C9 takes down the first tower of the game and begins their siege.  The 4 man siege on mid ends as C9 takes control of Reason’s jungle and rotates top to take the inner tower.  C9’s massive lead allows them to take down the middle inhibitor at 22 minutes and forces a quick surrender from Reason Gaming in game 1.

MVP of this game undoubtedly goes to k0u, his dominating performance on Kha’Zix allowed C9 to snowball an early lead and completely controlled game 1.


Game 2:

Reason Gaming Bans: LeBlanc, Kha’Zix, Thresh  Cloud 9 Bans: Renekton, Elise, Lulu



Reason Gaming


Cloud 9 Eclipse


beansu (Top)


Odoamne (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)     


k0u (Jungle)      


Sencux (Mid)


Febiven (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Hjarnan (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Voidle (Supp)


The action:

Both teams play safe level 1’s and head into normal lane matchups.  A gank from Trashy starts the action and picks up first blood at top lane at 4:55.  A fight in the jungle goes 2 for 1 in favor of Reason Gaming at 9 minutes in.  However, a chase by Odoamne manages to pick up a kill on Trashy after the fight.  A teamfight breaks out after C9 takes the dragon, and Reason wins the fight 3 for 0.  C9 picks up the first tower of the game at bottom as the game calms down.  C9 rushes down the mid tower, but k0u overextends and dies to Reason in their jungle.  Reason quickly responds and takes down C9’s tower in return.  C9 tries to start dragon but Reason begins a teamfight before it can go down; Reason wins the fight 2 for 1 but k0u steals away the dragon from Reason after the fight.  At the 19 minute mark, Reason has a 3k gold lead and the tower count is even.  

While pushing mid, Reason goes for a risky dive and after all is said and done, C9 came out on top 3 for 2.  Reason pushes down the middle inhibitor with brute force at 23 minutes in, and takes the inner bottom tower on their way out.  A skirmish in C9’s red jungle turns into a 3 for 2 in favor of Reason.  Reason dominates a fight at C9’s inhibitor and brings it down again.  C9 responds by picking up a few kills in Reason’s jungle; C9 moves to the Baron and takes it down at 31:50 and a fight breaks out, going for 2 for 2.  A dangerous push into C9’s base turns into a delayed ace, giving C9 an enormous momentum swing.  A teamfight starts in the middle of the map going 5 for 2, and C9 picks up another Baron and the gold lead.  C9 pushes down into Reason’s base, getting an ace, the inhibitor, and the game.

MVP of this game goes to Odoamne, his play on Ryze gave C9 the bulk of C9’s damage in the late game and he did an excellent job of picking up kills during and after fights.