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T’was a pleasant day for Team Fortress 2 at insomnia55 in Conventry, England. What many would call the TF2 Championship as teams from all over Europe, and even two dominant North American teams competed for a glorious prize pool of £10,500 with the winner taking home £5000. The first night started off with Reason.TF2 taking on North American representative and insomnia52 winners, froyotech. Reason.TF2 would unfortunately fall to their long time rivals from across the pond, as well as The Last Resort and nerdRage.TF2, but would defeat dogs.TF2, and tie with Ascent, leaving them 1-1-3 in the group stages.

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Heading to the bracket stage, they would meet Open Group team, Bantermory, who they would defeat to move on to Ascent, and then froyotech for a second time. After falling 2-0 to froyotech, they met Saints in the lower bracket, and after a quick 2-0 victory, they met Ascent again who had defeated The Last Resort. Reason.TF2 would eventually defeat Ascent 2-1 to face froyotech for a third time, who had just lost to nerdRage.TF2 in the Winner’s Bracket Finals. Unfortunately, Reason.TF2’s journey at i55 would end after a tough, hard fought 1-2 loss to froyotech (who would later defeat nerdRage.TF2 3-1). Our boys in red and white would take home 3rd place and £1600.

i55 bracket

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