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Reason SMITE have enjoyed success this past week with both a 4th place finish at PAX and a 1st place win in the MYRevenge cup. The PAX East tournament saw Reason Gaming seeded 5th and as such facing a series of hard games, despite this they proceeded to 2-0 higher seed BLG in the first round. Second round however saw a much harder game against a controversially first seeded ROOT who proceeded to push early and roam hard, a strategy that proved to have our number leading to an 0-2 loss and a drop to the lower bracket. Our next round saw us take a forfeit victory over SK due to very strict tournament scheduling. We found ourselves facing another high seed in Copenhagen Wolves in the lower braket semi-finals who ultimately knocked us out with an 0-2 defeat. Overall we placed 1 higher than our seeding predicted and were out of the tournament in time to register for another cup about to begin.

The MyRevenge online cup saw us pitted against BLG EU, who like their US teammates were defeated by our seemingly stronger lineup. We also once again faced SK who we brought to 1-1 before they suffered another forfeit defeat. We fought on through the tournament and came first in the end, making a succesful weekend for Reason SMITE.

Reason Gaming congratulates our SMITE team on doing an amazing job and are confident that they have the ability to keep on performing succesfully.