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Last month, we announced our arrival to the new eSport in Blizzard’s Overwatch with the signing of “Zaprey got Caught”, the article on that can be read here. Unfortunately, the roster did not last long and went through several roster changes in it’s short period before disbanding entirely. Though we are glad that Zaprey has found a new home at Misfits.

But today we announce a new chapter in our Overwatch eSports novel. Please welcome the new Reason.OW line up:

Kyle KYLE1 Swinscoe – DPS
Piotr Sev Hutyra – Flex
Jonathan “Hanima” Fages – Support
Jon Danchu Osborne – Tank
Tamás tomzeY Bordás – Support
Jonas Shaz Suovaara – DPS

And joining them is former LCS coach for Alliance, Gambit Gaming, and Winterfox, Jordan Leviathan” Thwaites.

Captain and Fragger, KYLE1, was very excited about joining Reason and shared a few words.

“After spending a lot of time talking with various organisations, Reason was the obvious choice for us, as it’s such a big name in UK and European eSports. We’re super excited to play under this organisation and get some good results in all the upcoming events we play. Expect some big results from us in the future, we’re grinding hard everyday to become one of the best.”

Our CEO and Owner, Adam “Blanks” Heath, also wanted to share some words about the acquisition.

“Overwatch is an amazingly fun game and we have been keen to have a team in this title since it was first announced. We jumped the gun a bit with our first roster in this game and the team, despite getting some impressive results, went through a string or roster changes in a short space of time before falling apart completely. After taking some time to look at the scene and monitor teams, we are confident in this new lineup and that they will do us proud under the Reason banner.”