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Over the weekend of September the 12th and 13th, Reason LoL competed in Lubin, LSP, Poland for the ITPlanet E-Sports Masters 2015. Seemingly the largest Polish eSports event of the year. The tournament was mostly full of mix teams, with former Reason ADC, Celaver, playing with his own squad, Koledyz Celavera.

Reason LoL would go through most of the bracket without dropping a single map, taking out Team A, Team Mates, and Koledyz Celavera 6-0 until they met Tequila Is My Lady in the grand finals, whom they would defeat 2-1. This would be a massive tournament victory for the new Reason Gaming squad, as they would defeat their predecessor 2-0 in the semi-finals and claim their rightful spot at the top of Polish League of Legends.

Reason Gaming LoL would take first place and 2500zł for their first major tournament win under the Reason Gaming tag. We’re incredibly proud of our team and can’t wait to see what they bring us next!