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With more leagues becoming available to play in our Dota2 team has signed up and will participate in both joinDOTA League and Eat Sleep Play League Season 1 – two amateur/semi-professional new tournaments that will run the whole year. joinDOTA League has managed to get an impressive 2500 teams sign up, we have been assigned to the Starter Division for United Kingdom S.8 – schedule is available here.



joinDOTA League

joinDota has recently announced a bigger and better league for both amateur and semi-professional teams to play in – Pick league was successful with a similar format – and joinDOTA are looking to fill the gap with a brand new event that will span the whole year and will be divided into 4 seasons. Every team will have one match per week and the schedule is flexible.

The joinDOTA League will be divided into several divisions and the amount of divisions will depend on the number of participants. Each division will consist of a group of about 10 teams with the number of groups going up from 1 group in Division 1 to more groups in 2, 3 etc. jDL is expecting at least 5 or 6 divisions by the end of the year in Europe. All teams will play each other in a two game round robin format to establish group rankings.

At the end of the season each best performing team in a group will advance to a higher division and the worst team might get demoted to a lower one. This ensures the better teams having a chance to climb the divisions in each season. Prize money is only paid for Division 1 (Premier Division).

There will be three separate leagues – Europe, America and Asia – that will run separately to make sure every team will have good ping and be able to play at a suitable time for themselves. Nations having a large amount of teams will have their own groups within Divisions, however Division 1 and 2 will always be international. Info on the participating teams and schedules for Europe here.


Eat Sleep Play

ESPL is an amateur Dota2 league with 250 participating teams that will run for 9 weeks per season – 8 weeks for the weekly series and 1 week for the season finale.

Teams will compete every weekend with top teams getting weekly prizes and league points. At the end of the season the top 6 amateur teams with the most points will be invited to play in the season finals. Speed Gaming and Sigma have confirmed their participation.

Updates and streams available at