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So, I have not been able to get a hold of a computer until now. Its day 1 of the Kaspersky Tournament in Quakelive and group stages are going to start in 10 minutes. Yesterday was the Fnatic Beat it tournament, which didnt go as well as we had hoped. Noctis lost to stermy in a tight 2-1 map series, went on to beat guard 2-0 in the Lower Bracket and was finally eliminated by k1llsen 2-0 in maps. Fazz was beaten first by K1llsen 2-0 in straight maps and was then eliminated by Spartie 2-1 in the lower bracket in a very close series. I am going to head on over to the tournament area in a bit and cheer on the guys. Big thanks for razer for letting me use their booth computers. =) I will upload pictures as soon as I get a hold of a computer. NOCTIS FAZZ FIGHTING!!! (watching day9 cast sc2 is awesome) ๐Ÿ™‚

11:11 AM Friday
Noctis just lost to dahang 2-1 in maps. It was a very important match that could decide who actually moves on to the playoffs. Noctis is playing rapha in a few minutes and if he loses he must beat Garpy 2-0 and then Garpy has to beat Dahang 2-0. Fazz will be playing about 7 Hours from now at 18:00. I think we will skip the Fnatic Beat it final and try to practice instead. I think I am going to watch some starcraft2 before the games start. Be back later with some updates. Oh and dahang looked like he had parkinsons against noctis. Never seen someone shake so much while playing. 

12:15 PM Friday
Back at the Razer booth once again. Noctis just lost an extremely tight match against rapha. After losing tourney7 quite close noctis went on winning dm13 by one frag in another tight match. The decided map ended up being ztn where noctis opened up the match playing extremely well. With 4 minutes left noctis was up 6-1 and it was looking like he was going to take the win. Rapha made a great comeback and finally won the match by 2 frags after an intense fight at mega health where rapha took noctis out. Our only hope now is fazz who is playing his match later, as mentioned earler, where he will be facing strenx first. Noctis will play Garpy soon a match that doesnt really matter at all seeing how both players have been knocked out. Lets hope fazz can play his best today and hopefully fight his way into the playoffs. I am still looking for a computer to upload some of the photos. I will give you an update a bit later when fazz has played some of his matches. Over and out for now.

01:34 PM Friday

Noctis just won his final match in an easy 2-0 victory against Garpy. The match itself didnt really mean anything since both players had allready been knocked out, but at the same time nobody wants to end up being in last place. The final in the Fnatic Beat it competition is coming up shortly and I just got word that all participants of the tournament will receive a bigfoot network card. Still no real computer yet so cant upload photos, but im on it! ๐Ÿ™‚

03:09 PM Friday

The Fnatic play tournament is approaching with the final being played between rapha and cypher. Cypher seems to be on fire at the moment and I feel that he is the favorite for this final. Either way it should be an intense and enjoyable final. Noctis and Fazz decided to play the IEM final groups stage a match which was won by noctis 2-0 by winning T7 and HUB. T7 was easily won by noctis where HUB turned out to be a quite close game. I accidently stepped on fazz foot during the game and he took time to shout some abuse at me and lost timing on most items. (sorry fazz) Fazz will be starting his group stage matches around 6PM. Lets hope he can fight his way out of the group. 

08:08 PM Friday

A lot has happened since the last update. Rapha was able to beat cypher in the fnatic beat it final. As expected these games were all quite close and definitely enjoyable for us spectators. Fazz has just finished 2 of his group stage matches and unfortunately losing both both matches 2-0 to av3k and strenx. Both his opponents looked extremely impressive and fazz just didn’t seem to get to his usual form. All in all the tournament has been quite a dissapointment for our players and I am sure this will make them hungrier to come back and perform better at the next tournament. I myself feel quite sad that it ended this way since I like the guys a lot as both players and people and seeming them lose so early wasn’t what they were hoping for. I will post some more later on after the finals. Tonight I think we will hit the town and perhaps drowned our sorrows in alchohol. Noctis doesn’t drink so that might be quite difficult to accomplish. ๐Ÿ™‚