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The group stages have been released for the ASUS ROG DOTA 2 Cup, As you can see Reason are in group B and are seeded 2nd behind Infused who beat Reason’s DOTA2 team in the finals at Insmonia 51.

Group ‘A’
Spaff (13)
Team Infused (1)
NextGen. (5) 
Fast & Furion (9) 
S12 (17) 

Group ‘B’
Nvidia for Men (14)
Thurston Daycare Group (6) 
Reason Gaming (2)
No Flameboy2012 (10) 
Pants (18)

Group ‘C’
Dwayne ‘The John’ Rockson (3) 
The Real Offlane (15) 
-=Crazy=- (11)
Inevitable Outcome (7) 

Group ‘D’
{CG} (12)
Rasta Gaming (4) 
Great British Pounding (8) 
Demon Gamers (16)