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It’s that time of the year folks; winter’s LAN is coming! With just under a week to go until the doors of i50 open and competition begins, we have been getting all excited here at Reason. In attendance will be our Dota 2 team and Kaldi, our Icelandic Zerg player. It will be the Dota 2 team’s first appearance at an event since their trip to Paris for ESWC but seem confident after winning the ESL weekly cup a few days ago.

For the Starcraft side of things, Kaldi has been performing really well in the team league recently as well on the ladder. This will be his 3rd iSeries after i48 and 49 previously this year. After finishing amongst the top 12 at i48 and 7th at i49, he looks to improve on this and do Reason proud!

Now, i50 will not be your standard LAN. It’s a big time for Multiplay as it is their 50th iseries event! There will be lots going throughout the weekend and Multiplay are going to make sure it’s an event to remember. From the exhibition hall hosting top brands such as 2kGames and Razer to the dedicated Minecraft zone along with many other areas to indulge your nerdy needs. And of course, with it being their 50th, it wouldn’t be complete with some traditional iSeries shenanigans. On the Saturday evening, there will be a special awards evening for all things iSeries. It will include a live band, comedy shows and how can you have an iSeries without the famous pub quiz! All of which, are being done for the charity special effect.

If you are in Telford that weekend and attending i50, be sure to swing on by and say hi to all of us. We will be there with our previously mentioned team, management as well as with the other side of RNR, Rasta Gaming. It’s sure to be a fun filled weekend for all with some good results at the end. We would like to end by thanking our sponsors for helping us with this event; Steelseries for the gear and eSports clothing for providing us with our shirts.