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Last Thursday marked the 4th week of ETF2L’s Season 22, a massive season with the return of Epsilon to Team Fortress 2 eSports, and a new roster for Reason Gaming. Reason TF2 currently sits undefeated at 8-0 on map wins, and 4-0 in total overall wins. Defeating Full Tilt in Week 1, Forsak3n’s Serpents in Week 2, in Week 3, and lastly, LEGO in Week 3. Reason TF2, who have yet to drop a round, will be facing second place Epsilon eSports, who took a tie against The Last Resort just this week.

The standings are as follow, thanks to

Following a tough Week 5 against Epsilon eSports, Reason TF2 will play long time rival in The Last Resort, and will round up the season’s round robin stage against the newly qualified Animate eSports roster. We’ll keep you updated as the weeks pass, and we’ll see you in the bracket stage!