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Heroes of Newerth has always been a strong part of Reason Gaming and a game which we have always enjoyed watching, playing and competing in. With the departure of our previous team after their 2nd place finish at Dreamhack it left a hole that we were not going to leave unfilled for long. Turning to one of our old friends, Sanel “ArchiTigeR” Talicit soon became obvious that his new lineup would be the perfect team to fill this spot. They are a relatively new team but have had a string of impressive results against their fellow teams in the HonTour Diamond League.

Our new Heroes of Newerth team is:

Sanel “ArchiTigeR” Talic
William “CatLoMein” Benjaminsson
Jakob “Bunny_lover_” Rosenberg
Dan “Slaskedyret” Sørensen
Juho-Pekka “Markusmoi” Niemelin

Sanel “ArchiTigeR” Talic had this to say about joining Reason Gaming

To wear the Reason Gaming tag feels awesome simply because their organisation has been a part of HoN since early beta and it feels just great to have gotten the torch. Both myself and the team are ready for the challenges ahead and look forward to carrying on the Reason Gaming name forward.