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Last week we announced a return to Hearthstone, a game we hadn’t been a part of for just under a year. This sparked a surge of interest in our new division and we were swamped with applications. Hidden in these applications were two gems, Hampus “Odini” Täikkö and a member from our old Hearthstone roster, William “Firrlo” Sjöblom.

Firrlo puts on his Reason jersey once more and he rejoins Reason Gaming in our new, all-Swedish Hearthstone division

Firrlo puts on his Reason jersey once more and he rejoins Reason Gaming in our new, all-Swedish Hearthstone division

This four man Hearthstone roster will complete our all-Swedish Hearthstone division. Our original plan was their LAN debut to be at DreamHack Winter, but due to prior plans, Firrlo and Affie will be representing us at DreamHack Summer in a couple of weeks.

Reason Hearthstone is:

Alfred “Affie” Nordebrant
Philip “Trulzan” Jansson
William “Firrlo” Sjöblom
Hampus “Odini” Täikkö