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Reedy and View.Spectrum got off to a good start on Saturday morning winning their 1st two rounds 2-0 and 2-1 respectively. Things got tough late Saturday though as in the fourth round they came up against Epsilon eSports, one of Europe’s top teams. Up until playing View.Spectrum, Epsilon hadn’t dropped a single map and were looking strong. Epsilon won the domination and went 1-0 up but View.Spectrum managed to win the Search and Destroy to bring it back to 1-1. However, Epsilon proved too strong and completed a 3-1 win. This meant that Reedy and View.Spectrum dropped down into the losers’ bracket.

Late Saturday evening they came up against Raw eSports in their 1st losers bracket match up. The winner of this would get a top16 placing. Reedy and the team won the series comfortably taking out a 3-0 series win. This meant they had a top16 placing and knew they would play DB Gaming Sunday morning for a top12 placing with the view of playing Exertus after that for top8.

The match against DB Gaming on Sunday morning was for a top12 placement, Reedy came out strong and played a big part in helping View.Spectrum to a 3-0 series win to guarentee themselve a place in losers bracket round seven. They then came up against Reedy’s old team Exertus, thus adding a bit of extra spice to this matchup. However they unfortunately came up short losing 3-0 to Exertus and this therefore meant they dropped out of the competition. Due to losing against Exertus Reedy and View.Spectrum finished the event with a top12 placing. Considering View.Spectrum had only scrimmed with Reedy for three days prior to this event top12 can be considered a relatively good placing for them.


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The rest of the competition followed a relatively similar theme with Epsilon and TCM winning all their matches comfortably and progressing late on into the winners’ bracket. The real turning point was when Reign (who placed t3 at Iseries) came up against Epsilon and won 3-2 knocking Epsilon into the losers bracket.

However, Epsilon made a losers bracket run beating Reign on their way to match up with TCM in the grand final. As Epsilon had dropped down to the losers bracket they had to win two best of 5’s whilst TCM only had to win one. Epsilon won the first series 3-1 with relative ease. The main highlight of the first series was Epsilon coming back from 5-2 down in Search and Destroy to win 6-5.

This first series win for Epsilon pushed the final into a second series where Epsilon continued their dominance over TCM by taking the series 3-0 without looking in any danger at all.

This means that Epsilon have back to back LAN wins in the last fortnight and remain the dominant force in Europe.


Top 4 Placing

1st Epsilon

2nd TCM

3rd Reign

4th Vitality