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After a string of roster changes with our Danish CSGO team, HUNDEN decided things just weren’t going his way and decided to step down from Reason last week. While we were weighing up our options on what to do next one of the newer players from the team, Martin “percy” Wessel, approached us with a lineup he had been playing with since the downfall. This came as a complete shock but we have never turned our back on a player before and after talking through the lineup with percy, it was decided that this lineup would be the new Reason Gaming CSGO team.

The new Reason CSGO team is:

Martin “percy” Wessel
Sebastian “larsen” Larsen
Nikolaj “EXR” Therkildsen
Kristian “tabaco” Simonsen
Peter “Inzta” Kragelund

PeterInztaKragelund has this to say about joining Reason Gaming:

Today we decided to go official with our new lineup! After my departure with I talked with larsen about getting together a Danish team, and after awhile we got contacted by tabaco and decided to try him out. Shortly after that we got contacted by percy and EXR and then we had our team! Percy came to us after a short stay at Reason Gaming, and after contacting them the conclusion was clear, we were gonna play for Reason Gaming! Our goal will be to get stability and play as much as possible! I would like to thank Reason Gaming for trusting in us! and all of their sponsors as well, Das Keyboard, esportclothing, Gunnar and LG!

They have their first outing tonight under the Reason banner as they take part in the Weekly Cup #24. Make sure to tune in and cheer them on! And to great players we have to say goodbye to HUNDEN, jugi, gla1ve and maeVe – we wish you the best of luck in the future, thank you for trying so hard and sticking with us as long as you did.