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Shootmania…Just saying the name brings back so many memories of Reason’s past in this title. We first entered the scene in 2012 with two rosters, a UK and French roster where we saw success all over Europe and attended the ESWC. Then, fast forward 2016, Shootmania appears to be making a comeback with Ubisoft putting on a World Cup of its own. We picked up a young and impressive Italian roster for this, but sadly the roster ran into trouble before the event. Wanting to still take part in the Maniaplanet World Cup, we picked up another team that managed to bring home the gold medal for us!

Now, after years of a community refusing to let the game die, and support from organizations and players that want to see the competitive Shootmania scene come back to life, an Elite Pro Series has emerged, hosted by eXeS Esports with a $900 prize pool attached, go to to play online.

This announcement revived a lot of old players to start coming and competing in a game they loved, and lucky for us, two of our old players from the 2016 Italian roster wanted to come back home to Reason.

Koo and Eagle from our 2016 roster return to Reason with some European backup in the shape of a French super-star, Op, and a Dutch  powerhouse, Rottje.

We can’t wait to support these guys through the remaining qualifiers and beyond.

Take a look at Rottje in action: