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With 2012 right around the corner, our awesome partners at Razer have decided to put up a poll so you can vote for your favorite Razer sponsored team in 2011.

With over 30 professional teams and players to choose from Razer know it won’t be an easy pick. With that in mind, they have decided to award one lucky person with 500$ to spend on the Razer store. In order to enter the contest, all you have to do is choose which team you think owned 2011, and if your favorite team receives the most votes you will be in with a chance to win this insane prize.

As if that wasn’t enough, Razer will even release an exclusive limited-edition mouse design for the winning team and if you’re the lucky winner you’ll be one of the first to get their hands on it.

We at Reason-Gaming would love to receive your vote, because, let’s face it, you and us know a Reason-Gaming mouse would simply look epic !

If you wish to vote, please head over to