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Our CSGO team have finished top of their group at TheBlast and successfully made it to the knockout stages of the event.


Having just a 3 team group made our journey to the knockouts more stress free as we only needed to secure one victory to proceed to the knockout stages. This didn’t stop the team though as they went up against FLAEK!5 and LortPaLan with victory being the only option.

EXR on a mission!

As the first games were being played, we didn’t have a game so it gave the us time to watch the other two teams battle it out and pick up on their play styles and habbits. This time clearly paid off as we went into our first game against Flaek!5 and emergedvictorious with a score of 16-5.


Next up was LortPaLan. This team lost against Flaek!5 in a nail-biting 16-13 match so we went in expecting a similar game and scoreline to our game against Flaek!5. However, freshly warmed up from their previous game, our CSGO team went into this game with their heads and spirits high and walked away with a 16-3 victory winning the match, the group and the higher seeded spot for the knockout stage.