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Reason Female fought past some tough opposition to clinch the last spot at this year’s ESWC qualifier with a convincing 2-1 Victory over Imaginary Gaming.

Starting the day knowing that only perfection would see the team progress to the next stage of the tournament saw them face off with the eventual finalists Img Gaming.

Our first game of the day was against Imaginary Gaming which was on de_cache. We breezed through that game winning 16-4 which set us on our path to victory.


Team shotReason Gaming females mid-way through their winning streak

After finding their rhythm Reason  went on a 4 match unbeaten streak taking out some of France’s best opposition, confident and eager for more they set upon taking down the goliaths of the group, Millenium. After a tough match that saw the lead swing several times, Millenium came out on top, but due to Reason’s earlier dominance they were already guaranteed a spot in the bo3 finals so although we lost, we still finished top of the group.

With the top 3 in the group desperately close on points and round difference the favorites, Millenium, were ousted by a shock defeat to Fureur Gaming leaving Reason and Imaginary Gaming to duke it out for top spot.


Nina “FoxGlove” Flatnes with some great plays thoughout the day

After a strong start in the first map de_cache, Reason strolled to victory taking the map 16-6 quickly followed by an impressive start on the second map, de_dust2. But Imaginary Gaming showed they were not there to make up the numbers, fighting to bring the game back in their favor and eventually forcing overtime. After a tense double overtime IMG took the second map 22-18 making the deciding map, de_nuke all to play for. After losing knives forcing them to start on the T side, Reason took an impressive amount of rounds on a CT biased map, taking the first half 9-6. After losing pistol their opening CT pistol round, Reason knew they had it all to do but with good teamwork and a solid performance from the team captain, Nina “FoxGlove” Flatnes, Reason secured that vital round which helped take the team to a 16-11 victory and clinching the last spot in the main ESWC event.

 The winning moment

Stay tuned to Reason Gaming to follow the teams progress and follow @reasongaming on Twitter for up to date posts on the team’s progress.