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Today, Reason’s League team took on Never G1ve Up in the third place match in the EU Challenger Series.  It was a Best of Three match.

Game 1:

Reason Gaming bans: Jax, Lee-Sin, Draven

Never G1ve Up bans: Renekton, Ryze, Lulu



Reason Gaming


Never G1ve Up


beansu (Top)


Morsu (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)     


Lasagna (Jungle)      


Sencux (Mid)


bebe (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Ritix (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Masterwork (Supp)


The Action:

As the game gets rolling, Reason invades NGU’s blue and an early smite from Lasagna allows Trashy to steal it with an autoattack.  Reason started the game with a lane swap with NGU picking up the outer bot tower and the dragon; and Reason takes down the outer top tower and almost finishes off the inner top tower.  Trashy overextends and gets blown up by bebe.  Sencux follows up and kills bebe but dies to Lasagna in the process.  NGU forces down the second dragon of the game at 11:27 and picks up a kill on BarneyD in the aftermath.

With the mid game starting, Reason focuses their attention on the mid lane as they send Krislund and BarneyD to siege the tower.  Sencux and Trashy manage to get 2 kills while they are pushing bot, picking off bebe and Ritix by themselves.  A teamfight breaks out near dragon, Reason picks it up and wins the fight 1-0.  NGU overextends after the fight, losing 3 members and both outer towers in mid.  

Reason continues to push their advantage and picks up 3 kills at bot lane.  With a 3k gold lead, Reason asserts vision control over the map which turns into a free dragon for Reason.  With the map under Reason’s control, Sencux and Trashy take down the Baron at 24:45.  

A Baroned up Reason forces down both the mid and bottom inhibitors and kills 3 members of NGU.  With the game completely in Reason’s control, they leave NGU’s base and regroup.  Reason turns their attention to top as they siege the tower and inhibitor.  NGU manages to barely repel the siege from Reason but the instant NGU leaves their base, Reason picks up a kill and the second Baron of the game.  As NGU pushes up the mid lane, a flash cocoon from Trashy starts a fight that goes 4-0 in favor of Reason.  The fight allows Reason to flood into the base, ending the game.

MVP of this game goes to BarneyD, his hooks on Thresh set up a ton of kills all game which allowed Reason to take control of the map and dominate the game.

Game 2:

Reason Gaming bans: Draven, Lee-Sin, Jax

Never G1ve Up bans: Kha’Zix, Lulu, Yasuo



Reason Gaming


Never G1ve Up


beansu (Top)


Morsu (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)     


Lasagna (Jungle)      


Sencux (Mid)


bebe (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Ritix (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Masterwork (Supp)


The Action:

As the game starts up, NGU groups up as 5 and invades Reason’s red jungle.  Krislund smoothly avoids a flash hook from Masterwork, avoiding a level 1 death.  NGU attempts to 2v1 Sencux at mid, and after a few back and forth rotations the lanes settle down with Reason’s duo at mid and NGU’s duo at bot.  An early gank from Trashy picks up first blood on Morsu at top lane.  Lasagna over commits at mid lane and dies to Krislund, giving him double buffs.  Trashy’s early lead allows him to invade NGU’s red buff and steal it away from NGU.  Trashy keeps the pressure hot and kills Morsu at top once again.  After taking down the mid tower Sencux has a beautiful escape from Bebe and Lasagna.

As the mid game rolls around, NGU manages to sneak in a dragon kill, but Reason responds by picking up a kill and the two top towers, giving them a 4k gold lead.  Sencux loses a duel to bebe at mid and Reason loses the mid tower as well.  However, Reason responds by chasing down 2 members of NGU and takes them down.  After Reason takes down the outer bottom tower, a skirmish breaks out that goes 2 for 2.

Reason backs off of the lanes and quickly takes down a dragon, securing them a 7k gold lead.  Reason catches NGU in their jungle but Ritix comes in and cleans up the fight going 4 for 3 in favor of NGU. Reason’s gold advantage turns into the inner mid tower and 2 kills.  With Reason in complete control of the game, they secure vision control as they transition into the late game.

Reason’s dominance allows the team to pick up kill after kill and they push down the middle inhibitor tower at 24:10.  Reason catches NGU out at dragon, picking up an ace, only losing BarneyD in the fight. With NGU dead, Reason takes down the inhibitor and sets up for Baron.  Reason’s advantage allows them to wipe NGU in a final fight, ending the game. 

MVP of this game unquestionably goes to Trashy.  His dominating performance on Elise allowed Reason to take control of the game from the very beginning.