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Today, Reason Gaming would like to confirm that they have acquired some talented players who will represent them in the fan favourite Star Craft 2. kauP and AvD are the two young men who will begin to form a line-up which will compete in many online and offline competitions. The two Germans play at a high level within the game, they both are currently at a high rank in the Masters league pushing Grand Masters and are awaiting some rare well sought after spots to become available. They both played under the h2K tag briefly and under the Playing-Ducks tag more recently.

The team as it currently stands;-

Alexander ‘AvD’ van Dyk – Team Captain (Terran)
Alexander ‘kauP Hahn (Terran)

Team captain Alexander van Dyk had this to say..
Well, here we are. Finally we’ve found an organisation and I can proudly say, I am a member of Reason-Gaming. We got in contact and everything was sorted pretty fast and everyone was really nice to me. We discussed our future plans and the management and I came to an agreement pretty fast. Much thanks to Reason Gaming for trusting my team and also a big thanks to Razer, VeryGames and Gamers Uniform for supporting us in the future. Also I’d like to say a big thank you to the management for making this happen.

As the pair settle into Reason and continue to practice they are looking to strenghten the team in depth, by adding players who play the other races at a high level within the game.

You can catch the Reason Gaming StarCraft2 team in action as they continue to compete in ESL and other online tournaments. Make sure you keep an eye on future announcements on the players tutoring, streaming ladder and cup matches aswell as new players joining the ranks here at Reason.SC2.

If you’d like to apply to join Reason.SC2 please send your application to