Today Reason-Gaming has to announce the departure of one of their newer squads, in the shape of Reason.LoL, this comes after the team had some internal problems with one of the players, and the team captain Heitor “Hmmer” Amador decided to retire.
During their 2 months stay in reason-gaming, the team managed to do good at some online cups, mainly ESH.AMD Cup, and some ESL Go4LoL cups.
Reason.LoL consisted of: Ahmet “dustk1d” Oguz
Heitor “Hmmer” Amador
Raoul “koenig” Seyfert
Nisjaat “LoordN” Sheik Joesoef
Wai “reyk” Shum
We at reason-gaming are currently weighting whether we will sign a new LoL team or not, so stay tuned to for further updates.