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Reason Gaming are delighted to announce we’ve brought into the organisation; Kalle, Random, Ostkaka to go alongside our very own Kaldi. We’ve also brought in 20 year old Icelandic team manager Nikola ‘Xavier’ Milansson-Remic to help keep the team running smoothly.

Hearthstone Shit

I spoke to Jökull ‘Kaldi’ Johannsson about the why’s, what’s and future of the roster;

Why personally change from SC2 to Hearthstone?
“There were multiple reasons for me switching games, firstly I had moved back to Iceland from Switzerland since there were no major upcoming tournaments. I had resumed my studies in the university and for Starcraft 2 you need to play around 5 hours each day which is both phisically and mentally draining. Hearthstone requires practice as well but isnt as intense so it worked better with my studies. The second reason was that the managment of the Hearthstone team wasn’t there enough and the team was going to go nowhere without me.”

For a game that’s based around a 1v1 model, why take the decision to build a group of players?
“The key to becoming better at something is to realize that you don’t know everything and focus grouping ideas and getting different perspectives really helps. There are also team tournaments in a 1v1 game usually with a format like 5x 1v1 or 7x 1v1, so for the organising and the ability to share ideas it was a no-brainer.”

What’s the aim for this group of players?
“The aim is to focus on Constructed tournaments first and foremost and then become the strongest team in europe skill-wise which I think we can definitely obtain.”

What are the tournaments that all the Hearthstone players can be seen competing in?
We have been dominating the EU online events for the last month and winning tournaments every single week. The current events that we are most focused on are Zotac, Managrind, Nesl and MLG online events, but we are also looking into more offline events.”

Our General Manager Ian ‘Plutonyx’ Sargeant had this to say about the acquisition of the group;

“Reason has today ventured into the unknown of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. We have had the privilege of playing the game in the closed beta and the future of the game looks extremely bright. With us picking up this new game comes a twist, our old StarCraft 2 captain Jökull Jóhannsson will be coaching and captaining the team. I am excited to watch this game grow in 2014 under the Reason Gaming flag.”

The roster stands as such;

“Kaldi” “Kalle”
Name: Jökull Jóhannsson
Country: Iceland
Twitter: @ReasonKaldi
Name: Christian Feldhusen
Age: 22
Country: Germany
Twitter: @ReasonKalle
Top 5 Acomplishments Top 5 Acomplishments
1st place ManaGrind EU Open 11
1st place ManaGrind EU Open 13
1st place ManaGrind EU Swiss 5
2nd ManaGrind EU Swiss 8
2nd MLG EU Challenge 11
1st place Zotac EU 3 
Eu Ladder February 7th, 2014 rank.2
EU Ladder February 3rd, 2014 rank.2 and rank.3 on Second account
EU Ladder January 24th, 2014 rank.2 and rank 3 on Second account
Eu Ladder January 17th, 2014 rank.1
“Random” “Ostkaka”
Name: Dominic Fahnert
Age: 23
Country: Germany
Twitter @ReasonRandom
Name: Sebastian Engwall
Age: 17
Country: Sweden
Twitter: @Reason_Ostkaka
Top 5 Acomplishments Top 5 Acomplishments
1st place MLG Eu Challenge
2nd place ManaGrind eu Swiss 6 
1st place ManaGrind open 15 
3-4th ManaGrind open 14 
3-4th ManaGrind open 9
1st Place – ZOTAC Hearthstone NA Cup #3
1st Place – EU Managrind Open 6
3rd/4th Place – ZOTAC Hearthstone EU Cup #2
Eu Ladder Febuary 13th, 2014 Rank 1
Eu Ladder Febuary 3th, 2014 Rank 9
Name: Tobias Kunzweiler
Country Germany
Twitter: @ReasonKunzi
Top 5 Acomplishments
2nd place Managrind eu open #17
16th-9th Zotac EU2
EU Ladder February 7th, 2014 rank 8
EU Ladder February 14th, 2014 rank 3