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Firstly, apologies for the delay on this announcement. It was meant to go out a week ago.

Reason Gaming have picked up a UK based DotA 2 team to represent us at UK events. They have just finished competing in the DotaTalk LAN event held at GamerBase, London where they finished in first place, not dropping a single map thoughout the event.

The LAN champs: THOMASVP, Phayde, w’ll, Jack, JONL


They will also be attending Epic LAN next month were we look forward to supporting them in their quest for victory. 

Reason DotA 2 is:

 Will “w’ll” Barker

 Jack “Jack” Baraczewski

 Jon “JONL” Lugg

 Ben “Phayde” Wallace

 Tom “THOMASVP” Holmes


Will “w’ll” Barker said:

We are very pleased to have joined the Reason Gaming family, and are very grateful for the opportunity, support and sponsorship that they have provided us. This will hopefully be the start of a great relationship and will allow us to prepare for upcoming events and LANs, without having to deal with the added stress ontop of practice. We thank Reason Gaming once again for this opportunity and would like to thank Welp, Shoe and Hadz for standing in when needed, and HenryDickenson for helping us find our feet.