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Our German terran player Alexander ‘kauP’ Hahn continues with his great run, as this time, he has managed to secure 10 consecutive wins at the ESL Amateur Series, making it to the 3rd position of the ladder.

During the process he has faced fierce competition, but he still managed to come out on top, this speaks well of Alexander’s progression, and, we at Reason hope he continues with his great showing so far.

For his latest 10 matches, check below:

Reason.kauP  2-1      Hanfy
Reason.kauP  2-1 junK
 Reason.kauP  2-0 Teddyy
 Reason.kauP  2-0 Sheggy
Reason.kauP  2-1 Wilko
 Reason.kauP  2-0 Maxim
 Reason.kauP  2-0 Ambu
 Reason.kauP  2-0 RaiN
 Reason.kauP  2-0   Teddyy
 Reason.kauP  2-0 sontyp


Stay tuned to for further news regarding Alexander and our SC2 squad.