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– Sander “Joekel” Dubbeld , 23 Years old , Netherland Toplaner

– Nico “Myagus” Gonzalez , 19 Years old , Germany Team Captain & Jungler

– Hubert “wh0” Matuszewski , 18 Years old , Poland Midlaner

– Malte “PickoO” Huevelmann , 20 Years old , Germany Botlaner

– Swen “SkullZ” Jalowietzki , 19 Years old , Germany Botlaner


– Markus “Kraut” Bünder , 22 Years old , Germany

– Dominik “HaLeLuYa” Vuong , 17 Years old , Vietnam/Germany

Adam Heath, Owner of Reason Gaming had this to say about the acquisition of the team;

“I had the good fortune of being part of the very early beta of Infinite Crisis late last year and right from the start I could tell this was a game I wanted to be a part of. The twist that the early maps put on the MOBA genre created a new, enjoyable play style that I hadn’t been seen before. Now 2014 rolls around and the competitive scene of Infinite Crisis has started to pick up speed. I am very excited to have this team join Reason Gaming, and look forward to watching them in all future tournaments.”

The team’s thoughts on joining Reason Gaming

“We are estatic to join a such well known Organisation in Reason Gaming. With joining the organisation we look to a bright future, which includes bringing our own skill and the Infinite Crisis Community onto a whole new level. We are proud to represent & have the name Reason Gaming behind us.”

A very brief look at roster’s history before joining Reason Gaming;

– Founded as one squad under Penta Sports e.V
– Found Picko and Kraut in normal Games, added them to team.
– Split the squad because of problems with the other mates.
– Achieved  6th place in Closed Beta Championships
– Found the lost parts in players Joekel and wh0 (both former Aware Gaming players)