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Thanks Andrew

Today is a sad day for Reason-Gaming, but, at the same time, a happy one, unfortunately, our very own Andrew ‘Hk2’ Holt-Kentwell has to step down from his role at Reason, all for a good reason though, as he managed to get a new job.

Andrew first joined Reason-Gaming in 2009 as a player for our BF2 team, but, then took a managerial role in the organization, and has since then been one of the most valuable assets of the organization.

We all at Reason will remember him as one of the friendliest persons in the team, and one with a big passion for what he does, always willing to help in anything needed, because of this, and many more things, we at Reason can’t thank him enough for the time he has been around.

We got some words from Andrew, this is what he had to say:

First of all I want to say a massive thanks to Ben and Adam for giving me a chance to be a part of Reason Gaming in the first place, and thereafter investing the time and effort in me to grow into the various roles I’ve come to do after all this time! It really has been such a pleasure to work for an organisation with such passion for gaming, such professionalism, and such honesty. Ben has just been an amazing influence from day one and the way in which he deals with issues, good and bad, is an inspiration tbh! Reason Gaming is built on incredibly solid, positive values. Values that Ben and Adam have championed since its inception over five years ago. I hope that these are forever remembered and will help Reason to flourish even more than it has in the future.

I want to say a massive thanks to both Javier and Nordy, both of whom continue to invest substantial amounts into the organisation. Javier is an incredibly capable member of the team who will go very far in e-Sports judging by the passion and commitment he has already shown, especially to Reason. To Nordy, who has gone through thick and thin over the last few years but continued to invest passionately into e-Sports and has always seen the massive potential that Reason has for the future.

Sorry this has been so long but I want to wish every current and former Reason Gaming playerI’ve had the pleasure of dealing with all the best of luck and success for the future.

To finish this off, all we can say is THANK YOU ! Andrew, thanks from all of us, thanks from Ben, Adam, Nordy, Javier, and all of the players, we wish you the best of luck in life.