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The first Reason SC2 Cup ever was set to take place yesterday, and so it did, with some top European players competing in the shape of the German Zerg TypeII..Phoenix and Finnish Terran player Satiini.

All in all, the tournament saw a total of 150+ signups, and a total of 89 players checked-in to compete for one of the awesome prizes provided by our friends at Razer for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers.

Surprises came early on, as both the American GM player Jaden and the German GM player TypeII.Phoenix lost their matches in Round 3 without even playing, as they gave a forfeit win to their rivals.

From then on the clear favorite to win the tournament was the Finnish GM player Satiini, and he didn’t disappoint at all, as he didn’t lose a single map up until the finals.

The other player to make it to the finals was a not so expected one, in the shape of Polish Protoss player oOromson, who didn’t lose a single map either up to the finals.

3rd place decider would be played in a BO5 format between the Serbian Zerg player Sharky and the Swedish Zerg player PGG, in a match that would end up going to the Swedish, as he managed to win 3 maps in a row, taking home 3rd place and a Razer Orochi mouse.

On to the final, which would also be a Bo5, the clear favorite was former Virus Gaming player Satiini, but things started going wrong for him early on, as his bunker push was fend off by his Polish rival, who didn’t have much trouble defending the rest of the pushes afterwards, securing him the victory as Satiini refused to expand and kept pushing with what was left.

Game 2 saw the Finnish try something different, as he decided to fast expand, but so did his rival, at the end, an attack from the Pole secured him the win, as Satiini´s force wasn´t enough to fend off the push, this meant that the favorite was 1 game away from losing.

Surprisingly enough, the Finn managed to tie up the series, as he managed to win both Game 3 and 4, meaning spectators would get to see a 5th and final game.

On Game 5 both players decided to take it defensively, and thus, the game turned into a macro game, as they both fighted to expand before the other, and so the game kept going, with the Finn taking his 3rd base first, allowing him to secure a healthy army, with a lot of viking to take care of the growing colossus number from his rival. The Pole knew he was behind and thus decided to take a hidden 4th base, but, at the final battle it didn’t prove of much help, as his army just melted away, with his colossus dying fast to the terran vikings, after the colossus where out of the field, it was an easy task for the marines and marauders to clean out the rest, with the help of some EMPs from the ghosts. At the end, the Pole was overwhelmed, and lost the game, meaning that the favorite would indeed, win the tournament.

This means that the former WC3 player Satiini takes home 1st place and a Razer Imperator + Razer Megasoma mousepad, while the Polish dark horse will have to settle for a Razer DeathAdder.

All in all, it was a great tournament, and we would like to thank each and every player who signed up for the tournament, as well as our partners at Razer, who provided us some awesome prizes, and our friends at who helped us immensely in the task of running this tournament.


Tournament Bracket