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EUW Challenger Series 18 – Reason Gaming vs TheFoxSound

Game 1

Bans – Reason Gaming ban out Thresh, Yasou and Gragas. TheFoxSounds ban out Kassadin, Elise and Lee Sin


Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)




Trashy (Jungler)     


Santorin (Jungler)      


Sencux (Mid)


Lapras (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Crazycaps (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Zychlon (Supp)


The Action.

At level one, TFS group as 5 and head into the lower mid lane brush hoping to pick up an easy 1 vs 5 kill. Unfortunately they find themselves in front of BarneyD’s Annie, with a passive charged into AoE stun, allowing him to flash away. No kills then, but an early summoner blown puts TFS at a slight advantage heading into the lanes. Reason instigate a lane swap, choosing to send the duo lane to the top, while Crazycaps and Zychlon decide to harrass Trashy and beansu, delaying the acquisition of his first buff, but lose out on some farm for their troubles. After hitting level 3 with both buffs, the junglers of each team head into their duo lane, choosing to help push down the outer turrest in a fast 3 vs 1. RG manage to take down the tower in top lane, but to even the gold TFS take an early Dragon. Shortly after TFS manage to take out the outer bottom lane turret too, forcing RG to send their duo lane to the bottom, putting the matchups at a standard 2 vs 2. 

After reaching level 6 to obtain the all important Assualt and Battery ultimate, Santorin attempts to gank the midlane, and with the lockdown of Vi combined with Kayle’s damage and intervention, Lapras and Santorin take down Sencux for the first blood of the game. As the dragon respawns at 10:30, TFS manage to pick it up without any contestion from RG, while over in the top lane beansu attempts to duel Zeriouz, ultimately falling after the Equalizer from Rumble burns through him. Looking to pull back some ground, Reason Gaming engage 3 vs 2 in the midlane, and once Kayle’s intervention is used on an ally they swiftly take her out, using the momentum to take down the Mid Lane Turret. In a counterjungling attempt around RG’s Blue buff, Vi and the TFS bot lane get spotted, though rather than back off they see an oportunity to engage. They single out Kirslund, who with only a Vamp sceptre, boots and Doran’s blade cannot do much to stop his own demise. They follow on to pick up another kill, this time onto BarneyD. TFS dive onto beansu and Trashy at the top outer turret, but quick usage of the intervention from Kayle and the lockdown from Leona, they pick up an easy 2 kills. 

With Lapras having no ultimate available, Sencux manages to pick up an easy kill 1 vs 1, just after TFS take another dragon, but trade it for the lives of Leona and Vi, in exchange for BarneyD. More kills are picked up around the map, making the score 12-6 in TFS’s favour, equating to a 6k gold lead.

TFS use a pincer type movement, to catch RG in their top side jungle, this leade to a quick 4 kills for nothing in their favour. With such a large lead against them RG choose to surrender and move onto game 2.

MVP of the Game; Zeriouz on Rumble. Managing to stay infront of Reneketon throughout the entire game, going 6/1/2 his Equalizer ultimates were key in zoning and damaging RG in the later team fights.

Game 2

Bans – Reason Gaming ban out Kayle, Yasou and Vi. TheFoxSound ban out Kassadin, Elise and Dr Mundo


Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)


Zerlouz (Top)


Trashy (Jungler)     


Santorin (Jungler)     


Sencux (Mid)


Lapras (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Crazycaps (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Zychlon (Supp)


The Action. 

A standard 1/1/2 lane matchup leads into an early gank from Trashy in the mid lane, picking up a quick kill onto Lapras. The kill goes to Trashy rather than Sencux so while not ideal, still a good start to the early game. Down in the bot lane both teams go toe to toe, in an exchange thatleaves everyone on a small amount of hp, which is when trashy jumps in to pick up an easy kill. In the top lane Zeriouz pushes beansu between his two turrets, attempting to dive with Santorin, but Trashy leaps in to secure another kill, making him 2/0/1 having participated in every kill in the first ten minutes. 
Looking to snowball further Kha’zix initiates gank in the bottom lane, but before he can deliver the killing blow to CrazyCaps, Santorin Dragon’s Descents into the RG trio, allowing Crazycaps to pick up a kill onto Trashy, and while Sencux roams to join the fight, no more kills are picked up. 

TFS’s Crazycaps and Santorin manage to nab themselves the first dragon of the game at 13 minutes, but in exchange Zeriouz falls in the top lane and loses the first turret. 16 minutes in and we have action across the map, firstly in the botlane Krislund picks up a double kill, but falls to Crazycaps under the turret, while in the top lane Zerious and Lapras manage to take down beasnu in exchange for Santorin. BarneyD is then caught behind the dragon put by CrazyCaps, Santorin and Zychion, but they over commit meaning that when Sencus and Trashy arrive they take down 2 members of TFS for free, leading into an uncontested dragon.

Another two kills are picked up by Reason Gaming in the bottom lane, but the rest of TFS show up to prevent the turret in that lane falling, while beansu is left to chomp through the outer midlane turret. With a 6k gold lead RG continue to press their advantages picking up turrets and kills accross the map, until a big engage in the midlane where TFS manage to lock down Sencux and pick up a 4 for 2 exchange, leaving only beansu alive to protect the turret.
RG now mark their territory around the Baron pit, clearing out the enemy wards and laying down their own, which allows them to pick off Santorin, and snowball that into an additional 4 kills giving them an Ace which allows them to take out down the Baron, leaving them with almost a 10k gold lead.

RG proceed to take the inhibitor tower in the botlane, Sencux performs standard Leblanc shenanigans removing Crazycaps from the game, allowing RG to press on and take two mor ekills and two inhibitors, losing only Leblanc and Sivir after extending their gold lead to 15k. Reason Gaming push hard in the top lane, taking down 2 members of TFS and the last inhibitor, before pushing and taking out the Nexus at 42 minutes.

MVP of the Game; Trashy on Kha’zix, due to snowballing the early game right into the rest of his teams hands, he finished the game at 8/2/10


Game 3 
Bans – Reason Gaming ban out . TheFoxSound ban out


Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)


Zerlouz (Top)


Trashy (Jungler)     


Santorin (Jungler)     

Lee Sin

Sencux (Mid)


Lapras (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Crazycaps (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Zychlon (Supp)


The Action. 

A level one invade from The Fox Sound is scouted out by beansu., however Sencux facechecks a nearby bush allowing Santorin to pick up the first blood with assists for every member of TFS. Krislund and BarneyD go aggressive in the bot lane, but it backfires leaving them on very low hitpoints, allowing an easy kill to be picked up by Santorin onto Krislund. Satorin heads to the bottom lane after a couple of minutes and donates a kill on BarneyD to Crazycaps. At 8 minutes Crazycaps manage to extend their lead by taking out BarneyD in a straigt up 2 vs 2, before tower diving Krislund for another kill, though RG do manage to take out Santorin after they stay a little too long, before trading kills on Vayne and Elise which brings the score the 6-2 in TFS’s favour. 

Trashy and beansu dive Zeriouz in the top lane to obtain a kill, and though are caught out while leaving a lightning fast rappel from Trashy allows him to walk away with his life. Trashy initiates another dive, this time in the midlane, and a beautiful shockwave from Lapras before he dies takes Sencux low enough that he is picked up easily by Santorin. After a quick kill onto Zeriouz, Trashy and beansu toke down the top lane outer turret, their second of the game while TFS have yet to take a turret. TFS aggress onto the Blue buff of Reason Gaming, and some miscommunication from them leads BarneyD to head in alone and give up another kill, which turns into a TFS’s first turret of the game.

Reason gaming are transitioning into a split push strategy, using beansu’s Jax to just thwump down the turrets with ease, taking top outer turret quickly. He heads with Trashy to take down the baron with only 2 members at 24 minutes in, which allows RG to catch up in gold, ontop of stats granted by the baron buff. With the baron buff giving them confidence, RG engage onto TFS around the outer turret in the bot lane, but lose BarneyD in a well orchestrated team fight from TFS, with incredible zoning from Shockwave and the Equalizer from Oriana and Rumble. 
TFS take themselves a quick dragon after once again catching out BarneyD, giving themselves a slight gold lead of 2k. With Reason Gaming spread out around the map, TFS pull off some clever rotations picking up a turret uncontested, but as they back away RG lock up and take down Zeriouz. With the rest of TFS closing in RG have to disengage, narrowly avoiding an unfavourable engage.
RG Initiate a fight in the top lane, and the extreme lockdown from Leona allows them to pick up 2 kills for 2, but after attempting to reengage onto Lapras they give up 2 more kills leaving BarenyD to defend the outer turret alone.

CrazyCaps and Zychlon take out the baron by the skin of their teeth, just before RG can react. Picking off Trashy around his blue buff, TFS see their advantage and push hard in the bot lane, taking an easy double kill onto Krislund and Barney D, before pushing even more into the base taking out the remains of RG and their base, pulling out the win 36 minutes in.

MVP of the Game; CrazyCaps on Vayne, even with such a weak early laning champion, with a little help managed to get rolling and take out RG’s bot lane each time wihtout fail whilst maintaining a heavy CS lead, ending the game 6/2/12.