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It is a sad day today as we announce we are not renewing the contracts of our Brawlhalla squad which has been part of Reason for over a year now.

This is not a decision we made easily, and they will leave a hole in our ranks and history that will be hard to fill.

Their recent performance has been outstanding and we cannot fault their attitude towards the game but with the ever-growing workload of the Gfinity Elite Series, we were forced to take stock in where our priorities lie. It wasn’t fair to this amazing squad to keep them in Reason where we couldn’t make them our number one priority.

I have no doubt that they will find a new home in no time and place well at BCX at the end of the year.

Addymestic, Cake, Eramm, Ephi and Marshall – You will be missed. Best of luck wherever the future takes you.

All good things must come to an end. I was part of Reason for the past year I’ve learned a lot and I’m very grateful for the experience, sad it had to end this way but me and the players will continue to push forward has BCX is still the main focus. – Marshall.D.Haki, Team Manager