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It is finally time to officially announce our latest CSGO. They have been playing under the Reason Gaming tag now for about a month but we have been holding off on the official announcement to make sure everything the team dynamic is stable and everyone is happy.

With their recent near miss getting into the top 16 in the Raidcall EMS cup, even though they had the same points as 16th and 18th place, we are very happy with their performance so far and the barrage of encouraging results they have had.

Without any further delay, I would like to present to you or new CSGO lineup.

Reason Gaming CSGO are:

Jake “jakem” McCausland
Josh “mole” Rowley
James “wilzOOO” Wilson
Roger “paynt” Paynter
Rasmus “ralleh” Pedersen

Here is a clip of new-comer and Danish super-star Rasmus “ralleh” Pedersen in their recent EMS qualifier game against ALTERNATE