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The Second Half of the European Challenger Series Spring Split has come to an end, leading straight into the Playoffs. With a top 6 finish Reason Gaming have earned themselves a spot in the quater finals to once again play against Mousesports (formerly known as Meet Your Makers). With a new jungler on the side of Mousesports this isn’t quite the same team that RG beat 2-0 in the regular split, but Reason Gaming are hoping to repeat the previous success.

 Game 1

Reason Gaming come in strong in the first game, standing strong through the global pressure of Mouz. Mouz lead in kills for most of the game but RG manage to grab an objective lead with the siege provided by Ziggs and Caitlyn and prove that Objectives win games after taking the baron for a clean win at 35 minutes. 

RG 1 – 0 Mouz

Game 2

Mouz try a new composition in this game with a new pick in the top lane in the form of Elise. By keeping tabs on Sencux’s Talon he never got to a point where he could provide an adequate amount of bust, while Mouz learned from their past mistakes and played the objective game to win the second round

RG 1 – 1 Mouz

Game 3

Reason Gaming were out for blood in the final game, taking an early dragon before gaining a massive gold lead through objectives once again. With a siege heavy comp similar to the first game focused around Nidalee the Queen of Sieging, RG force down tower after tower before wrapping up the game for an early win and taking the series.

RG 2 – 1 Mouz

With the Victory over Mouesports Reason Gaming have moved on to the Semi Finals, where they will face Ninjas in Pyjamas over in Cologne in a LAN environment in front of the Studio Audience!

Tune in to the stream on Thursday the 10th of April over on!