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Game 1
Bans – Reason Gaming ban out Yasuo, Ziggs and Katarina. TheFoxSounds ban out Kassadin, Evelynn and Dr Mundo


 Reason Gaming




beansu (Top)




Trashy (Jungler)


Shaunz (Jungler)


Sencux (Mid)


Lapras (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Crazycaps (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Zychlon (Supp)


The Action.  A quiet first few minutes with all the lanes playing nicely, although Krislund’s Lucian is taken a little bit too low after some poor positioning. Beansu allows himself to do a ‘Krislund’ and takes more damage than he’d prefer before Vi ganks Top & in a 2v1 goes down to give the opponent’s Jungler’s First Blood. The appearance of the enemy jungler top gives Reason Gaming the go ahead to take dragon, before Reason Gaming take 2 kills for 1 in the aftermath.

Vi makes her first appearance bottom and it results in Krislund going down to the enemy Ezreal and with 3-men bottom, TheFoxSound take the first, bottom turret at the 12min mark. A team fight in the middle lane leads to a 1 for 1 trade as Sencux takes down Vi and Trashy goes down to Olaf. At the 15min mark, the kill score stands at 5-3, 21K gold to 20K and 1 tower to 0 all in TheFoxSound’s favour. With 4-man group of TheFoxSound moving around the map now, they take the next dragon. Another huge teamfight that kicks off as soon as the top-turret falls leads to another 1 for 1 trade in kills.

TheFoxSound now have all 3 outer turrets down and are moving fairly freely about the map. Reason Gaming are constantly getting caught by 3-man groups of TheFoxSound, but a death by BarneyD is saved by Krislund getting a triple-kill either side of the team securing the 3rd Dragon of the game. As the 25min mark passes, TheFoxSound are up 3 turrets to nil, 3K gold up and leading the killscore 11 to 7. Shortly after however, Krislund dies in the bottom lane in a 4v1 and Reason Gaming take their first, middle turret down but they lose 3 men in the process and TheFoxSound take the final outer-bottom turret. Reason Gaming take an uncontested Dragon soon after in a bid to keep the gold deficit under 5K.
This doesn’t last long though as the final middle-outer-turret of Reason Gaming’s goes down after some pressure by TheFoxHound, as Reason Gaming are trying their best to stall out the game. This is typified in a 3 for 3 teamfight erupts just before TheFoxHound takes the 4th Dragon of the game. A 4v5 near Baron leads to Reason Gaming’s bottom-inhib-turret to go down to the split push of Ezreal.

A huge-team fight mid, after some dancing about Baron leads to TheFoxSound taking down all the turrets and inhibs in Reason Gaming’s base before backing off, instead of finishing the game. Krislund is caught once again and taken down before TheFoxSound take the Baron in the 43rd minute leading to Reason Gaming

MVP of the Game; TheFoxSound’s Shaunz goes 5-2-12 on Vi as he was the catalyst for TheFoxSound snowballing the early and mid-game

ashe breaker

Game 2
Bans – Reason Gaming ban out Katarina, Ziggs and Thresh. TheFoxSound ban out Kassadin, Dr Mundo and Annie.


 Reason Gaming 




beansu (Top)


Zerlouz (Top)


Trashy (Jungler)


Shaunz (Jungler)


Sencux (Mid)


Lapras (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Crazycaps (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


Zychlon (Supp)


The Action. 
An early Vi/Alistar combo earns Vi First Blood on Krislund’s Ezreal as the 4min mark passes. Trashy replies by helping Sencux get a kill onto the enemy Yasuo. Deja-vu strikes as the same thing happens a minute or so later as the enemy Yasuo falls again to a mid-lane gank. History again repeats itself as Krislund dies to a 3-man gank in the bot-lane as TheFoxSound take Dragon for the first time with their numbers advantage. Yasuo dies AGAIN to ANOTHER Trashy-gank mid-lane,ust before the 10min mark, with him now owning all the deaths on TheFoxSound.

Beansu dies in a top-lane gank as TheFoxSound take the top turret straight after, but Reason Gaming reply with a 4-man gank bottom to get a double kill on the Alistar & Vayne at the 12min mark. A couple of minutes later a Reason Gaming Dragon-attempt is stolen by TheFoxSound and a 1 for 1 trade ensues. This means that at the 15min mark, TheFoxSound are up 2K in gold, 1 turret and behind 2 kills in the 7-5 score. This is soon evened up though as Krislund & BarneyD die in a gank bottom, but Beansu’s Trundle takes the mid-lane tower in reply.

TheFoxSound are concentrating on the bottom lane as Krislund & BarneyD die once again before moving to take another Dragon, it’s almost as if both of those players have simply switched off as they almost get caught moments after they revivie in their own jungle before BarneyD does die, in order for Krislund to get a double-kill on Vayne & Alistar next to the Dragon just as the 21min mark passes. Over in the top lane Trashy heads in for a gank, Zeriouz puts up a good fight taking beansu very low, but is finished after being locked up by Trashy’s cocoon. 

TFS attempt to secure an uncontested dragon, but Krislund manages to steal it with a Trueshot Barrage launched from the bottom lane which helps to stop the gold lead snowballing into TFS’s favour for now. Lapras attempts to dive Krislund in the bottom lane, but gets caught out, and with no way out decides to evade RG for as long as possible in their own base, before being taken down by beansu. This buys time for the rest of TFS to take down the baron relatively uncontested, with Krislund not quite managing to steal it with the Trueshot Barage.

Reason Gaming are engaged on in the midlane, and while Sencux manages to pick up a kill onto Shaunz, The Fox Sound take 3 kills and the outer mid turret in exchange. Catching out Beansu, TFS try to take the top outer turret, RG show up in the top lane, and TFS go a little too deep into the base, as Vayne and Yasou get bursted down under the turret, but they still hold a 6k gold lead.
After taking another Dragon, TFS try a pincer movement onto RG around the bottom outer turret, and a messy team fight leaves only Crazycaps’ Vayne and Trashy’s Elise alive. Crazycaps deals an insane amount of damage to Trashy, looking like he will take the kill but a great cocoon from Trashy just as Vayne enters turret range means Trashy can burst him down, scoring an Ace for Reason Gaming.

Unfortunately for RG, with only Elise alive they cannot capitalise on the Ace. Both of the teams respawn and immediately head for the baron pit, where a fight breaks out, starting well for RG as Trashy picks up a double kill, TFS respond by taking down Sencux but in the process lose another two members to Krislund and Beansu. RG with 4 members still alive vs only Crazycaps manage to take out the Baron, then head to the midlane while they are wearing the buff. RG push up the midlane, taking the outer turret, but as they make it to the inhibitor turret TFS turns it around, immediately bursting down Sencux.

With the numbers advantage they manage to take out another 3 members of RG, losing only Vayne in the process. They push into the base of RG taking out the inhibitor and it’s turret, but RG respawn before TFS can damage the Nexus Turrets. After picking up a kill onto Sencux in the top lane, TFS push into the middle of RG’s base, taking out Barney D in the process, and despite being taken very low by the remaining members of RG, manage to take down the Nexus 37 minutes in.

MVP of the Game; TheFoxSound’s CrazyCaps, going 11/6/11 on Vayne, was the deciding factor in most of the team fights that TFS won. RG managed to win a few fights where they zoned Crazycaps out completely, but when he wasn’t being zoned he perfectly positioned himself to tear into the RG players.

warwick breaker