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This past weekend we sent out our Brawlhalla team to compete at a major fighting game tournament Combo Breaker which took place between the 26th and 28th of May. The competition kicked off on Friday with some pools action. Cake won his pool without dropping a single game taking out the current rank 1 player DNL Boomie in a 2-0 set. Addy started off strong but feel short in Winners Finals of his pool, however he managed to make top 8 taking out Fables Stevenator. Ephi also followed the same pattern, losing to Fables Cyclist on the Winners side of pools but managed to get his revenge in Losers Finals of his pool clutching it into Top 8 and finally Eramm who had a strong start to his pools taking down 3sUP Starlight in a 2-0 set, however he wasn’t able to carry this onto his next set losing to Ithrowow, then down in Losers Finals in what was a very close set vs Wrenched but sadly that was the end of Combo Breaker for Eramm finishing at 9th.

Moving onto Top 8 Cake played his first set vs Vexx Doppey, he managed to take the win 2-1 and moved onto Winners Finals Against NoeL of Flashing Point Esports. It was a great set but unfortunately Cake lost to NoeL and followed by another super close set he goes down to ithrowow in Losers Finals ending his Combo Breaker run with a 3rd place finish. Addy played his first set in Top 8 losers vs DNL Boomie in which he took the win 2-0 moving him onto face against Ithrowow but sadly he fell short and his run ended with a 5th place finish. Lastly, moving onto the last Losers Top 8 round Ephi faced up against Wrenched however this time his Hammer was too heavy for him to carry to victory ending his run in 7th place.

Then Sunday rolled around and it was time for our main event, the 2v2 tournament. There has beenso much hype surrounding our recent performance online in the 2v2 tournaments that everyone was on the edge of their seats to see if we could repeat it at lan, half way around the world. I can tell you now, our boys didn’t disappoint. Claiming both 1st and 2nd place in the tournament, we have solidified our place as two of the best 2v2 Brawlhalla squads out there.

Overall we had some great results across the board and we’re looking forward to see how well the team performs at the next major Lan tournament which will be Shine on August the 26th.

Final Results:


Cake 3rd
Addy 5th
Ephi 7th
Eramm 9th


Addy&Cake 1st
Ephi&Eramm 2nd