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SCAN EUW Winter Invitational Match 3 – Ocelote’s Team vs  Gunwaaa

LoL Breaker

Game 1
Bans – Ocelote’s Team ban out Renekton, Ziggs and Shyvana. ban out Kassadin, Leona and Dr Mundo


Ocelote’s Team


Jwaohue (Top)


Czajnero (Top)


Morden (Jungler)


eX Dafficlo (Jungler)


Im the real oce (Mid)


Iverek (Mid)


Yuuki60 (ADC)


Caffee (ADC)


M Dioud (Supp)


Mystiques (Supp)


The Action. 

eX Dafficlo is the one who kicks things off at the 5min mark, getting a successfull gank off on Syndra, giving the kill to Gragas. This is quickly followed by Riven coming out on top of the 1v1 top lane by getting a kill onto Jax. The kills continue as a double-kill as the two bot-lane pairs go toe-to-toe with Lucian picking up both kills whilst Syndra gets her revenge on Gragas in the mid-lane without any intervention of each of the Junglers. This leaves the kill-score at 2-3 at the 10minute mark in favour of Gunwaaa. A 3-man push with Elise coming down to bottom turns into a kill on Lucian and the bottom tower ending up going down, which turns into the first Dragon of the game. The top tower went down simultaneously putting Ocelote’s Team at a two-turret advantage at the 15min mark.  

Ocelote’s team take another tower to push their turret advantage at 4-1 at the 20min mark. Gunwaaa pick up the Dragon, but lose 4 players to strong team-fight positioning from Ocelote’s team, who then take the opportunity to stroll on up and take uncontested the first Baron Nashor of the game. Ocelote’s Team use their Baron-buff to gull advantage and clear all the outer-turrets down with ease, their group movement about the map leading Gunwaaa on a merry dance.

Gunwaaa tried to catch Ocelote’s Team unaware in a bush but the ensuing fight that went from the mid-lane to the bottom lane went in Ocelote’s Team’s favour, leaving the the kill score at 17-12, with a 13K gold lead with 6 towers to 1, all in favour of Ocelote’s Team. The next Baron Nashor was taken uncontested and led to Gunwaaa being pushed back into their base by Ocelote’s Team; it takes a lot of back and forth before Gunwaaa just fall beneath Ocelote Team’s feet and they pushed through to take the Nexus for the 30min Game 1 win.

MVP of the Game; Morden’s Elise was the first into the fray for many of the fights and the 10+ assists she racked up proved how well Morden played.

Ashe Breaker

Game 2  
Bans –Ocelote’s Team ban out Renekton, Shyvana and Elise . Gunwaaa ban out Kassadin, Leona and Riven


Ocelote’s Team


Jwaohue (Top)


Czajnero (Top)


Morden (Jungler)


eX Dafficlo (Jungler)


Im the real oce (Mid)


Iverek (Mid)


Yuuki60 (ADC)


Caffee (ADC)


M Dioud (Supp)


Mystiques (Supp)


The Action; The first 5 minutes pass in the game with several almost-ganks, a few flashes burnt so all the lanes playing cautiously with only flashes in the pan threatening to get first-blood once the players started to hit level 6. First blood is finally taken at the 9min mark when Jwaohue’s over extension in the top lane allows Vi to come in behind and get the kill, with the assist going to Dr Mundo. The gold totals at the 11min mark are equal at 14K each and no towers had been taken down.

Things pick up at 13min with another over-extension; this time at the bot-lane allows Vi to help in a kill on Lucian whilst Lee-Sin counter-jungles top simultaneously to get a kill onto Dr Mundo for Kha’Zix. Czajnero’s Dr Mundo gets his revenge when he teleports bottom and gets a kill onto Lucian, which leads to the first Dragon of the game for Gunwaaa, but they sacrifice the 1st & 2nd towers of the game in the top-lane as Kha’Zix Lucian take them in their respective lanes. As the 18min mark comes around Ocelote’s Team have pulled the kills back to 4-3 and use their tower advantage across the map to start roaming & putting pressure on the middle-lane.

5 minutes later Ocelote’s Team then pick up 3 kills, Dragon and the 2nd tier middle turret to push their gold lead to 4K which forces Gunwaaa into a desperate, secret Baron Nashor attempt that is stolen at the death by Kha’Zix leaping in at the last second. This leads to Ocelote’s team pushing through the mid-inhibitor and extending their gold lead to 7K. A Nexus turret gets taken down by a huge minion push whilst Kha’Zix pushes through the top-inhibitor to increase the pressure onto Gunwaaa until Ocelote’s Team finally group up at the 32min mark and take the game & the match

MVP of the Game; Jwaohue tore through everyone in his path leading to a 8-2-5 score, grabbing the resets whenever he could.