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Joe takes the time out to put our Counter Strike: Global Offensive player, LOMME in the Hot Seat with some Quick Fire Questions!

Joe: Dream job/career when you were a child?

LOMME: I remember my mom saying a couple of years ago that as a child I had said that I wanted to become a bank robber, without even knowing what it really was. Another thing was that I wanted to travel the whole world, so I guess that could be a lot of things, cs for example, at least to some extent!

Joe: Favourite TV Show?

LOMME: Without a doubt in my mind, Dexter. When the show was running I was always looking forward to the next episode with excitement. Everything about that show is just great imo, the cast, the characters, story and such. I also like the fact that it had an ending, even though I was a little sad when it did, and the way it did. Honorable mentions would be Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad I think.

Joe: Favourite dish/cuisine?

LOMME: Anything my mom and/or dad makes. I guess that also has something to do with the fact that they only make stuff that I like . Except for that I really like a lot of different stuff, like asian food, italian and what not. A good steak with some great sauce is probably my favourite.

Joe: Three Every Day Items you could not live without and why?

LOMME: This would probably be my phone, TV and computer, just due to the fact that I spend so much time on them 😀 So that’s really self-explanatory.

Joe: Red or Brown Sauce?

LOMME: Brown, since I have no clue what red sauce is.

Joe: Proudest Moment ever?

LOMME: I have no idea really. Nothing really comes to mind. #lifeofanunderachiever 

Joe: Favourite LAN moment?

LOMME: Hm, hard to say. So many random things always happens on lan I can come up with a moment, but I can’t say that it’s my favorite, but it’s kinda funny at least, and douchy at the same time. After DH Bucharest in 2012 where I played in Anexis (1.6) there was an afterparty and only raalz and BERRY from my team went (Nuggi, zanoj and I went back to the hotel to sleep because we had a flight to catch only a couple of hours after the afterparty). So BERRY and raalz comes back to the hotel totally wasted before the flight and we get up to go to the airport and we find BERRY sleeping in the bathroom, and we can’t really get him to wake up, so as the big douchebags we were, we left him in the hotel room alone and went home the 4 of us only. Not really proud of it, but we had school and work to attend.

Joe: Favourite Counter Strike Global Offensive Weapon?

LOMME: AK is my favourite weapon. The fact that you just need one bullet in the head just makes it so much better than the m4 imo. I also really like the deagle, because one-shotting somebody with it is the greatest feeling ever.

Joe: Worst and best team mate you have ever had?

LOMME: I don’t think I can name the WORST team mate, because I’ve always played with people I like. I wouldn’t bother playing with people I know I don’t like. But I can surely name a great team mate! I love playing with raalz and played with him a lot in 1.6. Both ingame and outgame we’re great mates and being with raalz is always funny times.

Joe: Your map of choice?

LOMME: My favourite map is tuscan, and mirage probably comes in as 2nd. So I’m really sad that tuscan isn’t played at all atm, and also that the mirage version being played right now is so bad. I really hope that tuscan will at some point be played, and also that somehow mirage would be improved (like mirage_ce).