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Long gone are the golden years for Call Of Duty 4, with a plethora of LAN events to choose from, as well as an outstanding list of teams to choose from. But, as a Phoenix, the CoD 4 scene is slowly but surely rising back again, and we at Reason-Gaming have decided to give back to a community that has given us so many happy moments.

Today is a happy day for Reason-Gaming as we venture back into the Call Of Duty 4 scene picking up ‘Saevis’ an all UK lineup which recently attended Insomnia44 taking a meritable 7th/8th position. Rather than picking up a Top European team as we have done in the past, we have decided to pick up a UK academy team in order to show our support to the community that we know and love.

Team manager Craig ‘SNWZY3’ Snowden had the following to say:

The team has been together over the summer months and after a somewhat successful i44 with only 3 of our core lineup in attendance, all of our players where focused on the road ahead we began working on taking our team to the next level. A team that hasn’t really made a name for itself is honored to represent such an established organization such as Reason, especially with the high expectations like our own. Personally I would just like to thank both Reason, Razer, Verygames and Gamers Uniform for giving us this golden opportunity.

Reason.CoD4 Academy is:

Craig ‘SNWZY3’ Snowden

Kyle’Smiffy’ Smith

Aaron ‘Baker’ Baker

Dan ‘rapid’ Shakeshaft

Tom ‘Cronik’ Palombella


The first tournaments for the team under the Reason-Gaming wings will be Epic LAN 8 and Insomnia45, where they will be looking to leave a mark in the UK scene.

We are confident that with their dedication, this team can be up there with the best teams in the UK. We hope the team will enjoy their stay at Reason-Gaming and wish them the best of luck !