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Game 1



Cloud 9 EU      


Ocelote’s Team








Lee Sin



Im the real oce




STO Yuuki60




M Diloud


Game Report

Some light aggression very early, Voidle forced to flash away from a Thresh Death Sentence before the first minute is up. Lololol send Caitlyn and Thresh top to try and shut down Odoamne’s Shyvanna. Both junglers take their double buffs and then assist the solo laners through the early 2v1 laning phase.

Some aggression in the mid lane was hidden by some technical issues,while the stream was down lololol picked up the first tower in the top lane, while picked up the first dragon, keeping the gold even.

First blood finally comes in at around 10 minutes as Febiven and K0u dive Ocelote in the Midlane, picking up the kill without taking too much turret damage, while loolol try and respond with a push in the bot lane, but are kept at bay by the poke damage from Lucien and Karma. K0u continues his early game aggression with a 13 minute dive with Odoamne onto Jwaohue’s Jax, grabbing another quick kill, and stealing away Morden’s Red Buff.

15 minutes in, Febiven roams to the bot lane to try and dive lololol’s duo lane, they are unable to pick up a kill do do manage to take away a turret, while Odoamne takes away the outer top lane turret too, meaning they are now ahead in turrets 2:1 and in kills 3:0. lololol manage to take a dragon, but get engaged on trading kills in a 1 for 1 trade. Some minor skirmishes happen around the map, but with no kills, grab another dragon at 21 minutes, almost picking off Ocelote, but Command:Disonance and Command:Protect allow him to escape with his life.

Looking for more aggression, K0u tries to fight Ocelote under his turret, but a great flash+flay from Dioud allow the kil, and shutdown gold to go over to Yuuki60’s Caitlyn. Odoamne and Jwaohue duel in the top lane, and kill each other due to ignite and minion damage. lololol appear to be trying to stall out the game, laying down many defensive wards in their own jungle. Odoamne duels both Jax and Lee sin, pushing Jax away with a sliver of HP, and getting Lee low enough for Gragas to just walk into lane and throw out his explosive cask to snag the kill. grab yet another Dragon, throwing them into a 6.8k gold lead.

At 33 minutes and engage in the midlane lead by a Dragon Descenting Shyvana backfires as lose 3 members in exchange for Dioud. Both teams play safe until a well placed Shockwave allows Ocelote to pick up a kill on K0u, but they choose not to try taking the baron, allowing K0u to respawn. try to take down the baron with only 2 members, while in the midlane lololol engage, no kills are picked up, but do manage to take down the baron and arive in time to save their teammates. Shyvana and Vi collapse onto caitlyn, picking up that kill, which allows them to take an inhibitor too. Dioud lands a hook onto Karma in the top lane, and dive in throwing out his ult but without follow up from his team just gets melted, then just brute force their way into the base, taking down Ocelote and Caitlyn and destroying the Nexus for the first win in this best of 5.

MVP for this game goes to Odoamne, for once again dominating during the laning phase, and some brilliant engages with Dragons Descent.


Game 2



Ocelote’s Team


Cloud 9 EU           








Lee Sin

Im the real oce




STO Yuuki60




M Diloud




Game Report

A good gank in the top lane from Morden after a 5 minute of peaceful laning lands himself the first blood. Dioud zenith blades onto Hjärnan in the bottom lane but K0u shows up to ensure his laners don’t give away any kills. A much slower pace than the first game, it is not until 9:30 when Dioud once again goes aggressive with a Solar Flare into zelith bade, along with Assault and Battery from Vi allows Yuuki60 to pick up the second kill of the game, lololol use this as an opportunity to also take the first dragon of the game.
K0u now heads bottom to try and gank, but is spotted by a ward and Dioud lands another Solar Flare to pick up the kill. Ocelote and Febiven duel in the mid lane, Ocelote flashes away at the last second to allow Vi to pick up the kill after intervention wears off. K0u finally catches a break on his Lee Sin with a great ward jump into Dragons Rage to throw Dioud under the turret, unfortunately the kill does go over to Voidle. Lololol respond to this by rotating mid to take down the first turret of the game, after laying some aggressive wards around the dragon pit, which allows them to take another dragon to extend their gold lead to 3k. Another brilliant play from K0u and Voidle in the botlane picks up two more kills for the side of cloud9. Shyvana successfully duels Jax under the turret, but with ignite ticking Morden’s Vi heads top to make sure Shyvana dies to the ignite, giving the gold over to Jax. Morden heads top again to tower dive Odoamne, who manages to Dragons Descent away at the last possible moment, escaping with his lift but losing the turret.

lololol attempt to take the turret, but stops them with an engagement, but lose the fight 3kills to one, and lololol take the dragon afterwards anyway, leading them to a 5k gold advantage. Morden heads top to dive Odoamne with Jwaohue, but this leaves the remaining 3 members of lololol to get engaged on 4v3 and lose all 3 members, and also lose 2 turrets in the mid lane for this misplay.

at 33 minutes Febiven is absolutely demolished by lololol with a perfect pick on the midlane, without even giving him a chance to cast intervention, from this they take another 2 kills and shred the baron to pieces, extending their gold lead to almost 10k. lololol then try to push into the base of, but Jwaohue goes too deep, giving away a kill. While the baron buff is still providing a huge amount of stats, lololol successfully take another inner turret in the bottom lane, meaning the only turrets left for are inside their base.
A Huge fight in the midlane once again starts well for lololol, picking up 2 kills, but as they attempt to disengage take 2 in return, showing that they may be down in this game, but certainly not out.

Yuuki60 duels Kayle in the midlane, buying enough time for Jax to grind her down. Both teams collapse on this poisition but a great Explosive Cask from Ocelote takes down another 2 members, while only Jax falls. From this they push into the base and manage to pick up the Nexus, equalising the best of 5 series to 1:1

MVP of this match has to go to Morden, who’s Vi was on form this game, helping to snowball all of his lanes through a tough early game.


Game 3



Cloud 9 EU       


Ocelote’s Team    


Dr Mundo









Im the real oce




STO Yuuki60




M Diloud


Game Report

Immediately both teams trade their red buffs, but rather than K0u taking it on his jungle kha’zix he donates it to lucien, hoping to add more kill potential when he heads top, and it pays off allowing Hjärnan to pick up the first kill at 3.45, and while lololol take a kill in return Morden also falls in the top lane leaving it 2:1 in’s favour. Ocelote and Febiven go toe to toe in the mid lane, neither manages to pick up a kill after a hard fought duel, both burning all their summoners. In the bot lane K0u tries to take down Lulu in a great gank but some body blocking from Caitlyn allows Dioud to escape, leaving Yuuki alone in lane, only to get aggressed on and burn both summoners. K0u stays around the bot lane as Febiven rotates to the bot lane to grab another kill, making it 4:1 in their favour, but they are not healthy enough to take a dragon.
Maintaining the 2v1 lanes, Cloud9’eu’s duo lane takes down the top tower for the first tower in the game, but Ocelote picks up a convincing kill in the mid, and saves Jwaohue with a scrap of health.

10 minutes in send their duo lane to the bottom lane of the map, to try and get control of the dragon area, while K0u takes his Kha’zix top to take his 4th kill of the game. Morden tries to shut down K0u with the help of Morden, but is unable to take him down and feeds Kha’zix yet another kill.

Voidle gets another catch onto Lulu  for, now 15 minutes in and K0u’s Kha’zix is now 6/0/2. Shortly after they also catch Ocelote and bounce off the kills to take down the dragon. Another kill for K0u onto Ocelote in the midlane makes him legendary, with a Last Whisper and Spirit of the Ancient Lizard attempt another early 2 man dragon, but they are spotted by a ward, leading lololol to shut down Kha’zix, grating a 500g bonus. pick a kill on Jwaohue, stopping his Dragon Descent escape, they then jump onto the rest of the team with a fed Kha’zix tearing them apart once seperated, picking up 4 kills taking the score to 15:5, with a 10k gold advantage to 24 minutes in take down the baron, with the damage from Kha’zix’s isolation bonus melting the baron before lololol could be aware. brute force the mid inhibitor turret, taking it down along with 3 kills and an inhibitor. Feeling like they have no way to come back, a surrender vote comes in for lololol.

MVP for this round is once again for the jungler, K0u, who’s 9/3/2 Kha’zix just looked to be unstoppable.

Game 4



Ocelote’s Team


Cloud 9 EU             




Dr Mundo


Lee Sin



Im the real oce




STO Yuuki60




M Diloud




Game Report

As k0u tries to take his blue buff, Dioud, Yuuki60 and Morden take him down for a 2 minute first blood, responds by taking away Mordens blue, giving it over to Hjärnan. 4 minutes in Febiven’s Riven gets an easy kill onto Kassadin, Riven’s insanely powerful early game is just too much for a champion such as Kassadin who has a weak early game.  As soon as Kassadin returns to lane, Riven attempts another kill, but a misplay flashing under the turret allows Ocelote to pick up a kill with the ignite tick after his demise.
6 minutes in Riven hits level 6 and Febiven once again takes down Ocelote, making it his third kill of the game. Lee Sin was trying to help Kha’zix hold the top lane, but the turret still falls, giving a good early lead. They further this gold lead by picking up an uncontested Dragon. lololols botlane rotates to the midlane, but to little avail as they both fall to an insane amount of damage from Riven, though the kills go over to Dr Mundo and Vi. Now 6k gold ahead, are completely controlling the map in part due to this, Yuuki60 has been unable to farm, with a CS deficit of over 50cs.

Ocelote and Morden catch Febiven in their jungle, but do not have the damage to take him down, allowing him to escape, meanwhile take the bottom turret as Riven rotates to the bottom lane to 100 to 0 Lucien with ease. K0u tries to steal away the blue buff from lololol, but a 3 man collapse takes him down. Now 7k gold ahead, Riven walks to the bottom lane to secure another 2 kills for her team.

lololol are now desperately trying to pick up a kill or two on an out of position player, but can’t catch a break, while grab another dragon for free. lololol get engaged behind blue buff, and giveaway 4 kills, with now 4:15 down in kills lololol decide to surrender, meaning take away first place in the Scan EUW Winter Invitational and a healthy sum of £1500.

MVP in this final game has to go to Febiven, who has performed consistently throughout the tournament, but finally truly shining on Riven with 3 kills before 6 minute mark, and putting out an insane amount of damage in team fights.