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Game 1





Cloud 9.EU       


Dr Mundo



















Game Report

The game goes underway with interesting item starts, with 3 Dorans shields per team: bought by support, top lane and even the midlaners to help them survive through the early laning phase. With this in mind I don’t expect to see much kill potential without jungler intervention. At the 4 minute mark this jungle intervention occurs with an early gank from K0u’s Kha’zix to Odoamne’s shyvana lane tears apart Kubons half HP Mundo, and despite taking such a risky dive so early on in the game manage to escape while only taking a single turret shot between them.

A small break in the action occurs until 8:45 into the game where a gank from Mokkate in the mid lane starts on the wrong foot with a missed Vault breaker, leaving CHUYOU to back away meaning a swift counter gank from K0u to Vi rips her to shreds with the isolation damage bonus. With Mokkatte still spawning,’s botlane joins K0u take an uncontested dragon at the 9 minute 30 mark.

Shortly after, CHUYOU’s Katarina, currently without flash available is once again taken down by a Kha’zix gank, who has by this point picked up boots of mobility to provide more pressure around the map. With his ult available, Febiven roams top at around 12 minutes and dives Mundo, who despite popping his ult and putting up a valiant fight to try and survive is taken down. C9 springboards off this to take down the first tower of the game

Meanwhile,  MYM pick up kill in bot on voidles karma, which instigates Mokkatte to finish off Hjärnan, allowing MYM to take down a turret which almost equalises the gold, leaving them only 300g behind. With their own lane opponents still dead, and their opposing turret destroyed, Makkler and Libik  rotate to the mid lane to push the turret down, making them 2:1 up on turrets.

As he respawns, k0u roams bot to take down Caitlyn and Zyra 2v1, while a silver lining for MYM in the form of Mokkates Vi manages to show up in time to cast Assault and Battery on K0u under the turret and pick up a kill.

An early baron is attempted by Shyvana and Kha’zix, while Kassadin shows and helps finish it off with no contention from MYM, which was fortunate for them as all 3 were taken to sub 300hp

K0u dives bot with his baron buff and takes down Mokkate with the help of a culling from lucien, while Mokkatte once again responds by locking up Kha’zix under the turret to take him down. C9 do manage to pick up the turret after in response.

With the mid turret failling for MYM,  the gold lead swings into C9’s favour with as they are 6k ahead. In a desperate attempt toplane, Chuyou, Kubon and Mokkate try to take down shyvana, but the rest of respond, picking up 3 kills. With their backs now firmly up against the wall, MYM try to sneak a baron, but they are spotted by a ward and back away. Shyvana Dragon Descents right into the middle of MYM, picking up a double kill for herself and a kill for lucien, they now have a gold lead of 12k and 8 kills.

At the 25.14 mark, MYM surrender, with such a gold deficit they choose to move on to the next game.

MVP – K0u on Kha’zix absolutely demolished MYM in the early game, snowballing into being an incredible threat.

Game 2



Cloud 9.EU       










Dr Mundo













Game Report

As the games starts MYM immediately run towards C9’s tri bush, catching Voidle, but usage of the Mantra Q from karma keeps them at bay. They do push on at the 2 minute mark to take away the red buff from Mokkate quickly heads to his own red buff to secure it, whike K0u charges to Mokkates blue buff with Voidle, looking to take that away rather than fighting at the red buff. An early rappel from K0u into mid lane blows a lot of summoner spell cooldowns, no kills so far. MYM go aggressive in the bot kane, hoping to out sustain Voidle and Hjärnan with the heals from Libik’s Sona.

Mokatte heads mid to countergank K0u and Febiven at the 5 minute mark, but without ultimates available, Gragas manages to pick up a kill onto ziggs while taking mundo very low. At around 6:30 Odoamne pushes far forward against Kubon, leaving himself open to a gank from Mokkate who picks up the kill. MYM then pick up an uncontested dragon at 8:30, giving them a 500g gold lead.Febiven catches Mokkate near his red buff trying to recall, throws out his ult but doenst manage to pick up a kill. Meanwhile in the botlane a nice crescendo from Libik locks down Voidle, allowing Makkler to pick up the kill. K0u shows himself in the red side tribush but is driven away by Mokkatte’s presence.

Mokkatte sneaks into the bottom lane bushm allowing Hjärnan and Voidle to push past, and as soon as Makkler returns to lane a Sadism running Dr Mundo emerges to pick up a kill for himself and Mokkatte. MYM manage to take away a dragon, engages on them, ending in a 2 kills for 2 kills trade around the pit.

Small skirmishes around the map until 18:20 when MYM engage in the botlane, picking up a kill onto Hjärnan, but trading it for a kill onto libik. Meanwhile in the toplane Kubon and CHUYOU take on Odoamne and K0u, with a fantastic pillar of ice giving the kills to K0u. This swings the kills and gold lead ever so slightly into’s favour. C9 pick up a dragon at 20 minutes, and a missed crescendo from Libik leaves Ziggs to die, but MYM do manage to pick up 3 kills in return. Gragas and Trundle Dive onto shyvana top, but taking a few too many turret hits allows Mokkatte to pick up a double kill, with a cheeky heal from Libik’s Sona to grab some assist gold, but he is caught out on the way back.

At the 25 minute mark the game is still neck and neck, with being only 800 gold behind, while having an extra turret down in their favour. With no smite available to they choose to let the next dragon go down to MYM uncontested. Both teams now head to the baron where Febiven picks up a quick kill onto an out of position Libik. Now 4 vs 5 and missing a key ultimate, engage onto MYM picking up an additional 2 kills in exchange for their support. Libik and Makkler manage to stop a baron attempt temporarily, but Makkler gives his life for his troubles. With most of MYM now dead finally manage to take down the baron 29 minutes into the game. CHYOU tried to duel Hjärnan in the bot lane but gives away the kill with some great play from Hjärnan’s Sivir. now push to MYM’s base and pick up 4 kills, pushing on to the Nexus to take the name and a place in the Final.

MVP for this game has to go over to Odoamne’s trundle. Bullying shyvana throughout the laning phase, he transitioned to late game brilliantly by demolishing turrets and shredding the tank frontline of MYM