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Tonight Reason Gaming’s SC2 squad were back in action in SC2 Improve Team League, facing up against the French team PunchLine ESC. The matchup saw only two of our players go to war with the opposition. The Reason Gaming squad saw this as their first real test, going in to the matchup aware of the opposition’s strengths and weaknesses. It took five maps for us to secure the win over PunchLine and take our third victory in the tournament so far.

For those who tuned in to our Twitch,, you may’ve seen the games casted by our StarCraft manager Stephen “Biggus” Rennick, Icelandic Zerg player Jökull “Kaldizerg” Jóhannson and our in house caster Niklas “Sev” Aberg.


The first match played was taken on by our team captain KaldiZerg, who faced up against PLine’s protoss player Jeysen. Kaldi went into this game quietly confident due to recent ladder results vs. Jeysen. Kaldi played his standard game vs Jeysen, trusting in his mechanics and play style. Kaldi was able to develop a strong army which consisted of an upgraded roach hydra force., contributing heavily to the victory in the first game. This left Reason 1-0 up and full of confidence going into series 2.  Kaldi soon faced up against yet another protoss, DNS, who picked Akilon wastes, a map which is known across the Starcraft 2 community as a heavily favoured map for protoss players. DNS wasted no time in proving that point by taking the series after 25 minutes of back and forth play, but DNS’s economy and protoss death ball was just too strong for any Zerg player to overcome. The Reason squad and manager soon turned to our very “shy” protoss player Emil “Snvoski” Worse, who accepted the challenge put to him and quickly out-played he fellow protoss player DNS. Throughout this series Snvoski demonstrated better mechanics and a more refined build, which ultimately resulted in a win for Reason and giving us the 2-1 lead in a very difficult clan war. On a side note to Snvoski’s win vs DNS he applied an age old principle of “when you are head get more ahead.” This was demonstrated by Snvoski taking his 3rd base and applying upgrades before he pressured.

 Stephen “Biggus” Rennick Comment – “Great Stuff”

After yet another defeat, PunchLine ESC fielded yet another protoss, who took form as a high master’s player called ReLmer. ReLmer was unknown to everyone within the SC2 division at Reason and therefore we did not know what to expect. What we could bet on was that Snvoski’s confidence was growing and that he could take this series through the refined play style. Both players opened up with a DT build which later transitioned into a robotics facility. Neither player really did any early damage, which led to Snvoski taking a faster natural expansion. The difference in the players became apparent when Snvoski did not give up on the Dark Templar pressure which led to various probe kills and ultimately the premature GG from ReLmar.

At this early stage in the evening Reason found themselves up 3-1, PunchLine could not field a fourth player and therefore Reason took the win over PunchLine 4-1. Another great night of Starcraft 2 action which led to yet another victory in the SC2 Improve Team League.

Manager’s thoughts:

A great result for a great team, as for the rest of the SC2 Improve teams they may watch out as we are coming for you!


A summary of the games can be found below: 

KaldiZerg 1 – 0 Jeysen

KaldiZerg 0 – 1 DNS

Snvoski 1 – 0 DNS

Snvoski 1 – 0 ReLmer

Snvoski 1 – 0 (Forfeit)

Final Score:

Reason Gaming 4 – 1 PunchLine ESC